chapter twelve. you better be joking

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Hope lays on the flat of her back in Izzy's bedroom, Izzy wanted to give her and Clary something to wear for the rave tonight where they would meet up with Magnus.

"Clary looks like she's about to hand out girl scout cookies." Hope gets off the bed, picking up a strand of her friend's hair.

"I have the perfect dress for her." Izzy hands the redhead a black dress as she moves behind the changing board.

"Do you have something for me?" Izzy pulls out a red top and pants with a red belt.

"That's actually kind of sick." Hope pulls off her skirt, tights and takes off her shirt, walking to the second changing board before she comes out, fully dressed to find Clary wearing a black, skin tight dress.

"You're so lucky to have a flat chest, both of you." Izzy looked between the girls and Hope gasped.

"The girls and I are offended." Her phone starts ringing as she looks over at Clary.

"You look good." She walks out and answers her phone. It's Maureen, she can't remember the last time she heard from Maureen.

"Hey sweetheart, long time no see." She leans against a wall.

"Because you've been so busy recently but I have to talk to you about something." Maureen sounded nervous.

"Speak now or forever hold your peace." She laughed.

"I'm just a little worried about Simon. He's been missing all our band practices and just stays in his room in the dark." While Maureen spoke, Jace walks past Hope before she trips him.

"That sounds like classic emo Simon to me." She flipped Jace off as he walked into Izzy's room.

"But if you're worried, maybe there's two teenage detectives who can crack this case. Do you know of any?" Hope asked and Maureen laughed.

"I don't know but they have to have their own team name and a super secret banana bread recipe." She could practically hear Maureen shrug.

"Are you thinking of The Drew & Holmes Investigations?" Hope asked.

"What do you say, Holmes? Wanna crack this case open?" Maureen asked and Hope smiled, just like the good old days.

"But before we start I have to tell you something super important. I'll pick you up in thirty."

"See you then." Maureen hung up the phone and Hope walked into Izzy's room.

"Maureen is worried about Simon. I think we might have to rope her into this shit show." She looked between the group then at Clary.

"You can't just go around telling everyone about us." Jace started.

"Shut up, Alec." Clary glared at him.

"Why is she worried about Simon?" Clary asked.

"He's being extra emo but don't worry. You handle this and I'll handle Simon." Hope gave her friend a side hug before walking out the door.

When she got to Maureen's place the girl immediately believed her.

"I knew it ever since we played with that Ouija board when we were seven and it moved without us touching it and you smirked all evil bitch like." Maureen made them tea as Hope sat in the kitchen.

"I remember once I made the lights your house flicker every time I slept over." Hope admits, since she's laying out all her cards.

"I thought my house was haunted. We did an exorcism." Maureen put the cup down in front of Hope. She was finally surprised by something Hope said.

"It was funny." Hope looked at her for a moment before both girls started laughing.

"I just have one question." Maureen held her belly as she laughed.

"Why do you look like that?" Hope frowned.

"Like what?" The smile couldn't stay off her lips.

"A country music star?" Maureen grabbed her friend's arm in laughter.

"In a good way to a bad way?" Hope asked.

"Bitch, you better be joking."

𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑑, 𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat