chapter twenty six. hopeless

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The sun dances along Hope's cheeks as she rolls over in her warm bed, the white covers splayed over her body. Her eyes flutter open, her blonde hair in her eyes as she brushes the small strands of gold out of the way.

As she pulls herself up, she realises she's bare and her clothes are on the ground beside her bed. Atleast some version of me is getting lucky she thinks to herself, wrapping the covers around her body.

"I'm surprised you can walk after last night." is the first thing she hears when she walks into her kitchen. She chokes on the air in her lungs when the boy at her oven turns around.

"It's a bit of a struggle." She clears her throat, cheeks suddenly bloodshot as Jace leans over to kiss her. She turns her head before their lips can meet and he kisses her cheek.

She laughs it off and he puts a plate of pancakes down in front of her. "Blueberry pancakes, your favourite." He hands her a fork, her favourite fork. Weird that he knows that but then again he's shirtless in her kitchen at six am.

"I like your bed head." He slides down next to her and she turns to him, she can't help but look at him. It's odd seeing him without his runes, it's odd seeing him with his guard down.

"We're meeting your friends later so you need to start getting ready. I know how long you take doing the most mundane tasks." he watches as she cuts her pancakes, stuffing it in her mouth.

"Then I should probably take a shower now." she slips out of her chair, pushing the plate close to him. She couldn't see herself finishing it.

As she got up, he slipped his hand into her own. "Do you need company?" he pulled her close and she smiled, a small part of her melting at the gentle touch.

"No, it's fine. I'll be quick."

Water still drips down Hope's back as she makes her way to the a small table where her friends are waiting for her

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Water still drips down Hope's back as she makes her way to the a small table where her friends are waiting for her. "Look who's back from the dead." Simon greets her with a cup of coffee and she takes a large gulp of the warm drink.

"I just woke up, I feel like I'm back from the dead." Hope scratches her head as she tries to remind herself of something when she realises she's lost Jace. Maybe that's what she was missing.

"You two are getting ready at my place tonight, right?" Izzy looks between Hope and Clary.

"Ready for what?" Clary chimes up.

"That is not even a little bit funny." Alec glares at the ginger as Hope fights the urge to touch his perfectly slicked back hair. "I poured my heart and soul into planning this anniversary party for the institute." the urge is too strong.

"What are you doing?"

"Sorry, I've never seen you do your hair this way. It looks funny." Hope snickers to herself. When she turns her head she finally looks at Izzy, really looks at Izzy with her glasses and her Star Wars t-shirt. For a moment she pauses.

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