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AFTER TELLING EVERYTHING that happened to Ibrahim I became restless walking up and down in my room thinking about what I can do,I have to bring this man to justice and he needs to be stripped out of power

I continue pacing groaning time to time thinking about what I could do,Ibrahim was speechless when I told him everything that happened and he had nothing to say, I was sure as hell that Ibrahim is useless and I need to do something to Halimat and her dad,they can't continue being a threat to my family


No one's POV

Fareedah left the house going to the grocery store to get some stuff,she wasn't able to visit Aishah or call her after the day Nadeerah was brought home,she went back home and had some misunderstanding with Rauf before she fell sick,she's being vomiting and slightly got herself today

She decided to buy some stuffs to the house since they were lacking those stuffs,she came out of the grocery store putting everything she bought in Rauf's car she came with,She spotted Halimat and she boiled with anger,she walk towards her pointing an accusing finger on her

"You?!" She says "how dare you and your dad mess up with Aishah's family,how dare you?"she yelled at the top of her voice

"Are you talking to me or what?"Halimat said laughing getting Fareedah angry the more

"You psycho!"Fareedah said slapping her and they started fighting, people around came immediately separating them,Fareedah kept on trashing and trashing "you're so lucky you're not messing up with me,I would have probably killed you!"

The police came later and arrested them,they were taking to the police station,Mr Kandiri came smiling deviously like Fareedah is not aware of what she's up to

"The first time my daughter let you go and you think you can act like a knight in shining armour laying your hand on my daughter! Mr Kandiri said in a thunderous voice,Halimat smirked feeling contented while Fareedah didn't waver at all

"I will do it and do it again,you psychopaths,you can't keep on messing with my friend's life"Fareedah said and Mr Kandiri laughed

"I will show you how much of a psycho I am"he told her and turn facing the police man standing on an attention "deal with her and leave her with little energy to breath"he said turning and leaving with his daughter

Fareedah was dragged into the cell beaten black and blue before she fainted,she was dragged out of the police station into the street and was rushed to the hospital by a good Samaritan who met her on the street


Rukkayah sat on her bed alone counting numbers as she look at the ceiling,she tried sleeping but she wake up breathing heavily as she dreamt about how her daughter Qadirah begged her to help her but she wasn't able to,she was tied and couldn't do anything to help her daughter

She sat on her bed and cried quietly,she couldn't deny it she's tired of life,she wants to die and have peace,she thought she was able to overcome everything that happened all those years but she was wrong,she found out how wrong she is when she saw Rasheed again,every memory she decided to bury every memory Suleiman asked them to bury came back to the surface hurting her more than it once did

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