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THREE DAYS AFTER visiting Habeeb I constantly think about what he told me and was also thinking if there's any possibility that I have start developing feelings for Aishah,she is beautiful no doubt but I think I'm just jealous for no reason

I stepped down from my car and lock it before going inside,it was late in the night and I was just coming from work,my father invited me and Aishah for dinner at his place tomorrow's night which I have to let Aishah know beforehand

I stood at the front of her door trying to knock when I heard low sobs,I waited a little thinking about what might be wrong with her

I finally gave in and knocked at her door,after awhile she opened the door and the first thing I noticed is her puffy eyes,I clear my throat and she was the first to talk

"What do you want?"she asked like she was trying all means to discard me

"My dad invited us for dinner tomorrow"

"Ok"she replied trying to shut the door while I step my foot in preventing her from locking the door at me

"What do you want?"she yelled obviously angry

"What's wrong with you?"I found myself asking

"Obviously non of your business"she replied trying to lock the door again but I stopped her,I opened the door further entering inside her room before finally shutting the door

I look around her room it looks so homey calm and comfortable,this was the first time I ever stepped into her room

"What do you want?"she asked irritatedly

"I want to know what's wrong with you"

"Like I said earlier is non of your business so you can leave"she said strictly

"Please"I whispered slowly and she look surprised hearing me plead to her

"I don't want to tell you"

"I'm not leaving till you tell me"

"What's your gain in this?"she asked exasperated

"I will be at peace when I know you are alright"

"You're just pretending you don't care"she shook her head sitting down on her bed

"I do care and I care a lot"

"Why do you care?"she asked already crying which I'm sure she doesn't know of

"I don't know seriously"I said moving closer to her slowly

"Just tell me what's wrong please"I said when I finally sit close to her wiping away the tears in her eyes it looks like the act provoked her and she started crying loudly releasing everything she bottled up

I draw her closer to myself placing her head on my chest while she cried soaking my shirt which I don't really mind

"My dad is sick"she said after awhile

"What's wrong with him?"I asked quietly

"I don't know but it seems really bad and my sister called me this evening that it got worst"she says and end up choking

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