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I TRIED OPENING my eyes but it wasn't ready to open,I can't believe I have been sedated three times just because I demanded for my babies,the sedation was so energy draining that I decided not to fight anymore,I need to be on my feet so that I can ask for my babies

"Water!"I called out as my eyes refuse to open

"I'm coming"I heard my best friend's voice and not long enough she came with the water with my mom helping me to sit-down,I tried opening my eyes once more and I succeeded looking around the hospital

I drank the water like my life depends on it and I placed my head on my pillow panting trying to draw energy as I can

"How do you feel?"my mom asked

"Weak"I replied and adjusted trying to sit comfortable,my voice sound hoarse probably from the screaming "when have I been here?"

"A week five days Aishah"my mom said and my eyes shot open immediately

"Almost two weeks?!"I exclaimed I can't believe I have been here for almost two weeks

"Yes Aishah,you spent a week unconscious and wake up shouting and you have been on sedation for five days just to keep you calm"Fareedah said and my eyes welled up

"My babies?"I asked more calmly this time around,my mom stood up holding my hands and rubbing it soothingly then I know something is wrong, something is definitely wrong "mom just tell me already!"

"The baby girl is in the incubator,due to everything that happened you were forced into early labour"my mom said and I sighed then I remembered they were supposed to be two

"And the boy?"I asked carefully with my chest rising and falling,I was praying earnestly nothing should happen to him,a tear escaped my mom's eyes and she look away standing up like she can't break the news to me

"Fareedah please?!"I plead and she took my mom's seat massaging my hands like she was trying to calm me down before the storm

"When you were rushed into the hospital,you already loose a lot of blood and we all think you were going to die,the doctor have to perform operation on you immediately in order to save the babies,the girl was saved luckily and was put into an incubator but we lost the boy,his head was damaged the doctor said the hits and fall you experience affected the baby's head"Fareedah said and my heart squeezed,it squeezed so much that I felt like my heart will burst into pieces

"No! No! No! Fareedah oh my dearest baby,where is he?"I asked as new form of tears formed in my eyes,I started crying uncontrollably and I heard my mom's crying voice too, Fareedah's eyes look sour maybe from too much crying it felt like my world is coming to an end

"He was buried!"Fareedah said bursting into tears

"Oh no! I wasn't able to meet my son,Ya Allah I always fantasize how I'm going to meet him,how I'm going to show him love but look at what happened"I cried and cried,Fareedah came over to hug me

"I took his picture"Fareedah said

"Show me!"I demanded and she fumbles with her phone,she gave me the phone when she saw exactly what she's looking for

The Life Of Aishah✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora