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I WOKE UP early in the morning,I wanted to get out of the house as fast I as I can though I spent half of the night crying my eyes out

I got ready fast and decided to leave the house so that I can meet with Fareedah and tell her the change of plans,I stepped down the stairs and met Ibrahim pacing up and down in the sitting room,it look like he didn't sleep throughout the night and I couldn't care less

I tried walking out on him but he stopped me and I almost snarled

"What do you want?"

"What do you mean by divorce?"he asked looking scared but I am sure he is pretending

"What part of I want us separated that you don't understand,do you want me to spell it out loud for you"

"Aishah you're not doing any of such"he said calmly but his voice was edgy like he was scared but I know it's all pretence to stop me

"Then you are up for a whole surprises,a bunch of surprises"I said trying to walk out on him while he stopped me kneeling down

"Please don't do this,it haven't gotten to that extent,we can still work things out"he said looking so vulnerable that I felt like kneeling beside him and kiss him telling him everything is okay but I'm not going to do any of that when he solely decided to get married to someone else

"There is nothing to talk about"I replied folding my hands across my body

"There is a lot"he said standing up

"Are you still getting married or not?"I asked but he remain quiet like he was contemplating on what to tell me

"See you can't even answer a simple question,Ibrahim you should focus on your new wife or whatever you call her because I'm not having this bullshit with you,I'm not having you loving me today but despise me tomorrow,I'm not having you treating my heart like a toy and also I'm not having you playing with my head,you should accept it dear it's over whatever we had is over because it was never meant to be"I say trying very hard not to cry because right now I feel like breaking down terribly

"I love you Aishah"he said quietly like he was about to cry

"All this are words Ibrahim we both know it,I was already warned to stay away from you because all you wanted was you to get into my pant and you know what you succeeded in doing that so the game is over,you should be happy"I said and he stood up holding my hand drawing me into a force hug

"Why don't you trust me on this one uhh,don't leave and let me get married to her and everything will surely return back to normal I promise"

"Everything can never return back to normal and you know it, it's better you stop wasting our time"

"Please"he pleads but I left his embrace

"Who are you getting married to?"I asked

"Halimat"he said avoiding my gaze

"Thesame lady you call me devil to?"I asked but he remain quiet "that lady in the eatery the other time?"I said and chuckled angrily with a tear escaping my eyes

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