Epilogue - part 2

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Spencer Tracey

The looks were getting a little bit uncomfortable and that moment when the time went off, signifying the end of the class, I was happier than the students rushing to leave.

Mirabel and her friends continued to look at me with their flirty eyes and tongues swiping over their lips. It was supposed to be seductive and I guess to any other guy it would be but not to me. It was completely repulsive. I wouldn't date her even if she had a penis. And I have told her this numerous times but there's got to be something about flirting with a young assistant lecturer that makes it hard for her and her goons to listen.

They were not going to put me in trouble, not for something I don't even like.

Thankfully they don't approach me today with lies of confused homework and instead just smiled as they walked out. I tightly smiled too, and then sighed in relief.

"You look like you're about to spread wings and fly," Nehemiah said as he walked into the class past the students. He was also an assistant lecturer but with at least five years on me. I was the youngest so far.

"If I had those wings, I surely would."

Nehemiah laughed as he hugged me, "Mirabel again?"

I started packing up my notes, "who else?"

"If only she'd look at me once..." He trailed off, looking at the seats.

I nudged him, "snap out of it. She's just a student and a young one."

"A young one, like you're so old."

I rolled my eyes, "she's not my type."

"Yeah yeah, you're all gay." I gave him a thumb up at that. "But honestly Spencer, you're too hot for a gay guy."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He scratched his chin looking away, "maybe if you wear pink and I don't know, do something else with that perfect hair of yours or wear more jewelry, you wouldn't get hit on by girls so much."

"You know maybe if you stop bullshitting me and just tell me you're interested in me too and want me to dress in a way that you like— maybe then I'd listen." I rolled my eyes again. "Wear pink my ass."

"Wait, you'd listen?"

"Fuck off Nehemiah!"

He burst out laughing and I shook my head a little amused. This always happens, he always says stupid things but we're just friends and he knew that. "I was told to give you this by the head of department." He dropped a file in my hand. "I'm so proud of you; continue this way and you'd be the youngest lecturer in no time. That's if you can actually keep your ass in one country for more than a month."

I smiled to myself, "Thanks Nehemiah and I'd settle here, you know it. I'm just waiting for the right time."

"Right time or right person?"

I blushed, slinging my bag over my shoulder. "There's no right person, just the person."

"It's been years now. You can go look for another right person," he cautiously said following me out the class. "Maybe come with us to the bar—"

"Nehemiah, I have a class in the evening. An actual class with a strict lecturer, I don't have the time or energy for this discussion." I grumbled.

"Sorry, I forget how tiresome it is to be a student and a lecturer all in one." He shook me a bit. "But I'm serious, think about it."

"I won't." We shook hands and he waved walking away.

There was no other right person, there was just one.

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