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Percy Flynn

I sighed extra hard as I entered my room —that I shared with my brother, by the way — and slammed the door behind me.

"Percy, watch it!" My dad warned from downstairs and I groaned right before I fell down to my bed.

"Someone's having a day." Paxton spoke up, chuckling under his breath.

I turned my head to see him sitting on his bed, on the other side of the room, with a laptop opened in front of him. "You have no idea."

"Well, you have to stop skipping school just so you and Janis can go bang somewhere. Dad was really pissed this time," He said like the all knowing wiz he was.

"I didn't sneak off to go bang Janis, you moron." I threw a pillow at him and with the way he swiftly dodged it, you'd think he was athletic. "That's never happening again, you and dad can be reassured."

"This conversation sounds like it's going to serious regions and I'm not in the mood," He said typing something on the keyboard.

"Jackass," I sighed falling into my bed. He just had to bring up Janis. I had successfully not thought about her all day. "Janis and I broke up."

I heard Paxton sigh as he slammed his computer shut. He moved closer to the edge of his bed and after patting his hair down and rubbing his eyes— "What?" I just nodded. "I can't believe this. Why?"

"She cheated on me."

Pax blinked, clearly taken aback by that. "Wow, I always thought if anyone in your relationship is going to cheat, it's going to be you."

I reached for another pillow, throwing it at him. "Come on, you know I'd never do that to J."

"J?" He raised a brow.

I groaned, "God I need to stop calling her that. It's Janis now for me, Janis. We're over. I'm never speaking to her again. I'm never talking to her again. In fact, I won't so much as look--"

"Perce?" Paxton interrupted.


"I'm so sorry."

I looked at him and since I found out about the Janis thing, it was then I actually felt like crying. I was cheated on. I kind of loved her and she ruined it. I trusted her. I would've never done it to her and she did it to me, calling it a mistake. I felt so betrayed and... lacking. I never feel lacking because I was not. If there was anything Percy Flynn wasn't, it was 'not lacking'. I had everything. I was the bomb and Janis was one foolish girl — so I told myself and just like that the tears were gone.

"Yeah, its whatever. Her loss." I mumbled out and when Pax kept staring at me, most definitely feeling sorry for me, I decided to distract him with another topic. Something I actually want to talk about. "So remember Spencer?"

"What Spencer? Tracey?" I nodded sitting up so I was sitting directly opposite him, getting his full attention. He nodded too. "How on earth would I forget? I'm the one with the good brain here, remember?"

I scoffed. "Just so you know, B plus also shows a good brain. So does a potential football scholarship."

"Nah. That just shows good body."

I smirked. "I'm happy we're clear that while I have a good brain and a good body. All you're stuck with is a good brain and you didn't even get to work on it, it's been there since birth."

"That's not true. I did work on it. Harder than you worked on your stupid body. Everybody has a brain since birth, but not everybody has a good brain. Not unless you work on it." He defended crossing his hands.

"I'm pretty sure it has something to do with genes. Your mother is a freaking doctor, I think it'd be bizarre if you turn out dumb." I countered.

"Shut up, are you saying that a parent's brilliance determines the child's?" I nodded. "That's so not true. Hookers, who get pregnant, give birth to intelligent children."

"Well that's because it takes brilliance to be a hooker and survive with a pregnancy. Trust me, hookers are anything but dumb." I said.

"Percy, it's foolishness to get knocked up."

"What if they purposely want to be knocked up?" I raised my brow.

"What hooker purposely wants to get pregnant?"

I straightened. "So, are you saying that every single parent out there is foolish?"

He gaped at me. "I didn't say that. I'm just saying it isn't exactly smart if a prostitute gets pregnant on the job. What got single parents into this?"

"What about anybody who mistakenly get pregnant? Is that foolishness?" I smirked when I saw that I've finally backed him up to a corner.

"No. But it isn't exactly brilliance seeing as there are condoms and pills everywhere." He said.

I threw my hands up. "I can't believe you. The condom could have broken. The pills could... anything could've happened Pax. That's why it was called Fate."

"Scientists don't exactly believe in fate. We affect our lives with every decision we take; every yes, every no. There's always something responsible for another. If the condom broke, it could be because you got the wrong size, it's expired or you just went faster than you should have. If something happened to the pills, it's got something to do with you too. So yes, somehow a little foolishness is involved in every unexpected disaster," He finished with a smug smile.

"And love?" I asked and I saw his face light up. "That's not fate?"

"Love is not science. And haven't you ever heard, love is a fooling game. Everything about it is literally foolishness." He tucked himself into bed and slowly added. "The good kind."

"I agree." I said and Paxton turned to me surprised. I rolled my eyes. "Although love is part hormones and that is a bit of science but, I think Love is the only foolishness that one hundred percent allowed."

"Yea. Everything would work out Percy, don't mind Janis. She just lucked out. When you find love, you'll realize just how foolish you can be." Paxton said and then started laughing.

I reached for a pillow but I saw none. "I've run out of pillows." A second later, three pillows slammed into my face, one after the other. "Asshole."

Paxton turned off his light and I turned off mine too. But I couldn't sleep, I kept thinking about love and foolishness, and then Spencer popped back into my mind. "Pax?" He hummed out a reply. "Spencer's sick."


"Do you know he's living alone now? And his house is not winning any beauty or hygiene awards anytime soon."

I heard him shift on his bed. "I know he moved out and is living alone but I don't know his house. How do you?"

I gulped. "I sort of ran into him while- doing some errands. He's so alone, Pax, it's not right."

"Well that's no one's fault. He brought himself into everything. All the decisions he's made pushed him to being alone."

"Yea but..."

"He left the house when he should've been trying to make amends with his family. He refused to see a shrink and talk about his mental health."

"What's the need of trying anyway? We all know Ryder's never going to forgive him."

"Yea, but there's still no harm in trying. Plus we all know actions speak louder than words. His last action was pretty loud, Ry still gets echoes." He shifted again. "Stay away from him, Percy. We all owe it to Ry and I'd hate for you two to have a misunderstanding one day and the next thing I know, he's running you off a bridge. Forming any kind of bond with him is foolish."

"I know." I thought about today and how I would have stayed over if Spencer hadn't insisted he was fine and practically chased me. "I'm definitely not foolish."


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