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Percy Flynn

I couldn't sleep that night and it wasn't just because I wasn't on my own bed. My mind was plagued with Spencer's voice saying he loved my brother. And my body kept tingling as I relived my one sided kiss with Spencer. There was the fact that the sofa had to be the worst sofa ever, if I could even call it a sofa. It was rock hard and so uncomfortable.

I knew that Spencer was still in love with my brother. Everybody that knew about their past and it was obvious in his eyes anytime he or someone else mentioned Paxton Flynn. It never bothered me, okay yes, it did but the only way it bothered me was that he might become obsessive and hurt himself or Paxton. Now, it bothered me in a whole other confusing way. Why was he still in love with my brother and why the hell did he mistake me for him?

Then there's the kiss. I've never been kissed by a guy before, not on the lips at least. I've always been drawn to girls. I loved their ass and their long hairs. I fantasized about them, I had wonderful sex with them and I actually dreamt of marrying one someday. There was no doubt that I'm a hundred percent heterosexual and not gay. Not that there's anything wrong with being homosexual and gay, it's just... not me.

I've never had a double take at a guy before, okay maybe I have, but not in the sexual I might be interested in you way. It has always been girls for me. Even now I couldn't imagine it any different. But then why did Spencer's kiss feel so good? Why was it when I imagined it happening again — with me actually kissing back — I felt my jeans tightening? Why did I even want a redo? It was strange, really strange. But damn, I wanted to kiss Spencer. I wanted him to kiss me again.

But I won't ever do that because, I'm not gay. And Spencer won't do it too because in the first place, he wasn't kissing me, it was Paxton. A kiss with Percy Flynn never happened.



I woke up to a sizzling sound and a great aroma. Turned out I eventually slept on the sofa and even if I didn't remember that, the cracking sounds my bones were making as I got up served as a reminder. There was a blanket over me though and immediately I remembered — Spencer.

I trudged into the kitchen dragging my feet, rubbing my eyes and yawning at the same time. Spencer was in front of the stove with a hair net over his head and an apron. My eyes traveled from his blue tank top to his plaid pajama pants. I slanted my head a bit and found myself checking his ass out. It wasn't big but it wasn't nonexistent like many other guys. It looked firm and quite-- holy cheese nuggets, Percy!

I shook my head and coughed rather loudly. Spencer turned in surprised but ended up smiling at me. "Morning, Percy."

"Hi." I replied, and then took a seat. "I didn't know you went all professional when cooking."

He chuckled. "My hair tends to be a major distraction to me when cooking and the apron is just to complete the look."

"Nice." I saw Starbucks bag and when I peeped into. Two steaming cups of coffee lay inside. "Nice."

"Sorry. I can't afford homemade coffee right now but our Starbucks here is actually good."

"Lucky you. Our Starbucks tastes like sand and sugar." I said taking a sip of the really good drink.

Spencer turned around with two plates in his hands. "I think they are afraid of fucking the coffee up, least our lovely neighbors burn the place down." He dropped a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me. "Bon appétit"

My stomach rumbled in hunger but the French he spoke brought bad memories with it and I lost a bit of my appetite. Before I knew it, I was glaring at the plate in front of me.

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