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Percy Flynn

"Hey." I greeted Paxton, falling down on the sofa next to him.

"Hey." He said back, concentrating on the television as he pressed the remote.

I stared at the changing channels for a minute before turning to look at Paxton. The first thing I saw was the red hickey mark on his neck. I rolled my eyes, "I see you've been having fun with Sebastian."

"Huh?" He raised a brow in confusion before he caught on and made to cover the mark on his neck. "Oh."

"How did that happen?" I ask and Paxton glared at me.

"I'm not telling you about my sex life."

I crossed my legs under me. "Why not? Mum told us about hers."

"One time and it was for educational purposes."

"Yours would be for the same reason." I say and Paxton gives me the eye that says 'really?'

"What could a gay guy possibly be teaching a straight one?"

"Lots of things and I could be gay too." I said my voice really small towards the last part.

Paxton snorted.

"What?" I challenged.

"If you're gay, then vultures have mane."

I rolled my eyes but I understood his disbelief. "I know. I might be a bisexual though."

Paxton returned his eyes to me. "Why?"

I shrugged. "Maybe it runs in the family. Like gene stuff."

Paxton shook his head. "That's ridiculous and you know it. Dad says I'm the first gay in the family."

"In his family," I corrected. "What about mum's?"

Paxton eyed me. "Percy, what happened?"

I sighed, I really want to talk about it to someone. My best friend and brother seemed like a great option but I wasn't sure he'd understand. It's worth giving a shot though. "Spen--" I stopped and coughed loudly. "Some guy kissed me at the last party."

Paxton's mouth shaped into an 'o'. I nodded. "Yeah and I liked it and I can't get him out of my head."

"Let me guess, he was drunk?"

I nodded again. "Yea but that's not the worst part," I ducked my face out of view, my hand findind a spot on my neck to massage. "He mistook me for some other guy he's in love with."

"Shit." Was his response and all I could do was nod. "That's bad Percy and did you really like the kiss?"

"Yea, I want to do it again." I confessed. "In fact, I'm pretty sure I almost kissed him today."

"Was he conscious?"


"How did he take it?"

I shook my head, "not good. He only thought I was joking, yet he freaked out. He just said something about not ruining our friendship."

"Damn." He relaxed into the seat, the television long forgotten. "It isn't Henry, right?"

"No." I sighed. "Don't bother guessing or asking, I'm not telling who."

"Do you really like him?"

"I think I do."

"You think?"

I groan, hitting my head back and covering my face with my hands. "I don't know okay. With J, it was so easy. Now it's so hard and it'll better if I didn't like him. Maybe I'm confused." I looked at him hopefully. "Yeah. That could be it. My sudden breakup could be messing with me."

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