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Percy Flynn


I walked into the house trying not to let the poor condition and parse furniture steal my attention. If Spencer's not here, I'd assume he went to the hospital and I'd go back to school. I've done my best. I walked through what's supposed to the living room and found myself opening the first door I saw. It turned out to be the Kitchen. There was a table and...

My eyes bulged out when I saw a body lying on the floor beside the fridge. I rushed to his side and it was Spencer and he was burning up completely. He must have wanted to grab something from the fridge before he fainted. "Spencer? Caldwell, you there?" I asked, freaking out as I pushed his curly dark hair away from his face. He was burning. When I finally saw a pulse and heard his heartbeat, I sighed in relief.

"U-h-mm." His lips moved and his eye lids moved but he couldn't make out a word and his eyes didn't open up. I guess he couldn't.

"Dude, I've got you. I've got you," I mumbled out to him as I picked him up the ground bridal style and left the kitchen. I kicked the next door I saw open and fortunately there was a bed. Mum always said whenever a person was having a fever, the best thing to do was not to panic and try to reduce the fever. Buy pills from the nearest pharmacy and try home treatment. If the person comes to and symptoms persist, then you can go to the hospital.

Thanks mum and your -what I thought was annoying- needs to medically educate us all the time.

I was back in the kitchen in no time and as soon as I found a bowl, I filled it up with cold water from the fridge and ran back to Spencer. I rolled my sleeves up, dipped a white towel in the cold water, wrung it a bit and placed it over his head. I repeated this a few times and even used the towel to clean up his sweaty face and neck. When I felt done, I tucked him in and dropped a cold towel over his head as I left.

Google map - "where is the nearest pharmacy?"

The next twenty minutes went by in a daze as I found the pharmacy, explained Spencer's condition to the lady Pharmacist, got the drugs and prescription, and then drove back to Spencer's shank. He was still fast asleep but his temperature was significantly lower. I found water and tried to wake him up.

"Spencer? Spencer, I need you to wake up."

He grumbled and turned away, I don't know why but I smiled at that.

"Caldwell, get your ass up and take the drugs." I said, shaking him. This time, his eyes opened and he blinked as he sees me.

"Percy?" He croaked out, his voice was hoarse and somehow sounded a lot better.

"Not important," I helped him sit up and gave him the glass of water. As I opened the drugs, I could feel his eyes on me. "I got pills for you."

I handed it to him and after blinking confusedly at me, he took them. "How are you here?" He mumbled out weakly as I took the glass back from him.

"I followed you," I explained, tucking him in again.

"Why?" He asked but I didn't need to give an answer because his eyes closed shut and he went back to sleep.

I sighed out loud and just sat there, watching him. He was so in need of a haircut, I didn't get the need of a long hair for guys. Spencer's wasn't that long and he managed to pull it off really well but I won't be able to stand a hair that fell over my eyes all the freaking time. My eyes moved from his hair to his face, his straight lashes, his small nose and slightly full lips that were parted a bit as he slept. He looked so harmless and peaceful. My eyes moved to the little black jewelry on his ear and I didn't get that either. Jewelry on me was a no. Expect maybe a chain necklace. I wondered if it hurt to get his ear pierced. Must have stung a bit.

That was the problem, no one could tell the difference between a crazy person and a sane one, a harmful one and a harmless one, a bad one and a good one. Bad, that didn't sound right when paired with Spencer but if his actions these last few months have proved anything, it was that looks and sometimes actions can be deceiving.

Something clinked in my head and I stared eye wide at the sleeping boy. "Oh my God, have you eaten? Spencer?" I got no reply and I emptied the bag of drugs and searched the drugs for anyone that stated food before taking as a compulsory thing. Two of them did. "Shit, shit." I cursed to myself as I made a quick trip back to the kitchen.

I could write a book; How To Kill A Sick Patient 101.


I was exhausted. I just wanted to sleep and make up a speech to give my father as the reason why I missed school and why I was probably not going to come home tonight. Percy Flynn, are you seriously thinking of spending a night in this dump? And all for Spencer freaking Caldwell?

Like I haven't already done enough.

I've spent the last hour working. Yes, working. Spencer kitchen would make my dad dig up a grave for himself, bury himself in and continue rolling around inside for all eternity. It was dirty and empty. I don't think he has ever made a meal in here, not even fix a cereal — which happened to be the only food in the cupboard. A half full cereal box and two bags of lay chips.

I had to rush down to the market and get things I needed for a noodle chicken soup. Spencer was so paying me back when he got better. Then I cleaned up the kitchen, scrubbed at the rusting sink, mopped the floor, cleaned up the counter table. At least Spencer's fridge had things in it. He had meat, eggs, milk, vegetables and most essential, orange juice. He also had a plate of leftover pizza, I ate it up.

After cleaning and cooking, I felt guilty about waking Spencer up, so I let him sleep until my fear of the drugs eating out on his intestines drove me to waking him up.

"Percy?" He groggily asked again as he blinked his sleepy and no doubt heavy eyes at me.

I rolled my eyes. People just can't get enough of my name. "Yea, it's me."

I watched him sit up on his bed. Rub his eyes and yawn and I had to bite my tongue so I don't smile or worst aw at him. He really did remind me of a homeless puppy. Spencer turned to me again, looking me over like he couldn't believe I was real. "What are you doing here?"

I brought the tray forward, placing it on his stretched out legs. "I made noodle chicken soup. I know you don't have the appetite but you've got to eat something and this would help with the flu while hot. Plus you already took the drugs and--" I glanced down at his stomach. "Do you feel anyhow, like pain?" Spencer shook his head and I sighed in relief. "Good. Now go ahead eat up. You were sweaty all over, so if you're done and have some strength, you could take a bath. I think that would be good too. A bath is always right."

I stopped and I realized that I had been rambling. Don't you dare blush.

But Spencer kept looking at me, I blinked at him, raising a brow and he smiled, then turned to the bowl of food. "I don't understand why or how you're here right now being the dotting nurse."

"I'm not. . . being a dotting nurse." Blush. Clears throat. "And I simply followed you home from school. It's not exactly rocket science."


"Because you didn't look good at the cafeteria and you happen to live alone. I--" the next words got stuck in my throat and I had to get up from the seat. "I didn't want you to die. Is that a bad thing?"

"No." He was quick to reply. "But I thought you. . . hate me?"

"Hate you? Don't be--" I stopped as I remembered Paxton and Ryder. "Oh. Yeah, I do." Spencer frowned. "But that doesn't mean I want you to die. I'm not a monster."

I'm pretty sure he didn't expect me to say it but I did. I saw him wince at my words and when I realized that I just made an indirect jab at him for almost killing his step sister, calling him a monster, I felt a tad bad. "Eat. No more questions." I said and he nodded. He was supposed to be but why do I feel like if anybody was a monster, it was not Spencer.

"This is delicious." He said giving me a small smile.

"Thank you. My dad's a chef."


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