Chapter 26

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No one's POV:

In coming the next day both teenagers had restless nights, tossing and turning of sheets, endless train thoughts of what they feared, wanted, hoped and excepted. Both motivated but one more than the other. One being terrified to open up and say anything, do anything that can cause them to be how they used to be and sadly that teen doesn't even know how they would be if nobody mean came into her life unexpectedly. For one of them has always been tossed aside or thrown to the ground for things they didn't understand nor could ever change. The other frankly had a great childhood everybody wanted to be their friend.

They had it all great parents, awesome sibling even though he wouldn't admit it, and had the best buds in the whole world. Until one day he loved the wrong girl, gave her everything he could give which just frankly wasn't enough so she tossed him aside like garbage leaving a deep whole inside of him that slowly started to patch up but one look into those bright brown eyes he knew it was already too late to look the other way.

They both had things to worry and fear but of course one was going to be brave enough to take the first step. Now as they finally arrive to the next morning someone just happened to wake up 2 hours before the usual and went out for their morning jog. Raced through it with the speed of a bullet nothing could slow them down, going back home to shower to get rid of the grossly substance called "sweat" To control his body odor. Jumping in fresh clean clothes having a nice ironed black t-shirt, dark jeans that fit him just right, clean creaseless white Jordans. Sprayed a generous amount of Cologne all over himself and finished off the look with a gray hoodie. Ruffled up his curly permed hair, brush his teeth, and got his school things. He glided down the stairs scooped up a muffin from the plate his mom had left, leaving a note for his family saying

"Hey guys sorry I left early because I need to go meet up with someone and I was hoping to bring them later to the house anyway Julia will need to take the bus, love you guys bye! "

Jailyn's POV:

Jolting awake to that annoying sound, I turned it off and sat up my hair being like a lion's mane, face puffy, and feeling sleepy still. After hesitating to get ready I finally did starting off with washing my face and taking care of my hygiene. I didn't know what to wear so I decided to go worn a long sleeve shirt and some mom jeans, and my usual white Velcro strap shoes. Struggling a bit to tame my messy hair only for me to give up and let it be since in all honesty wasn't too bad but wasn't what I usually have it as. As I'm about to go make myself a sandwich I heard my phone vibrate. Thinking it was nothing I let it go but it kept vibrating 'what the heck? ' after a time of trying to come up with logical explanations wondering what the heck is up with my phone I check to see notifications of messages.

After seeing who they were from I panicked, my heart started racing, my mouth was getting dry, knots started building up in my stomach, and all I did was freeze and stand there like a deer in headlights. I look around anxiously to see if the place as dirty or ugly looking than I rush to answer back what he had said trying to sound normal.

Hey peanut I came to pick you up I'm outside your door.

May I come in?

Yeah, just hold on for a sec please.

Aiden's POV:

'Omg omg omg omg omg omg why am I so nervous fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK' Taking deep breaths to calm down I saw the door opening I look down to see a red cheek shorty with a shocked expression. Not gonna lie that made me chuckle "Hey squirt ready to go to school? " I asked her. Her smile gently faded and eyes had a glint of fear in them.

My brows furrowed in confusion and asked in a gentle voice, "Hey, what's wrong? " She shook her head in protest and tried to turn away, I stopped her by going in front "I'm here to help you, you told me a lot yesterday peanut don't expect me to take any less from that, I want to know you. So please tell me all your troubles, please. " We stood there for a good minute or so then she sighed. She nodded "okay I'm sorry I'm just new to the whole people caring about me thing, can you be patient with me though? I plan on telling you maybe everything but not all at once, your asking for answers I'm asking you for time okay? "

I was happy with that so I nodded and let her get her stuff checking the time smiling knowing I still had plenty. I felt a tap on my shoulder, looking down I see peanut offering a water bottle so I gladly took it. "Come on we should get going squirt". Leading us to my car I opened the door for and I saw her look down shyly and blush 'Fuck why you gotta be so cute tho' jogging over to my side of the car tossing myself in before I start the car I see peanut slowly raise her hands. Making me stop all my actions and give her my full attention.

Jailyn's POV:

" I don't want to go to school because.... I.. I get bullied. People always mock me, push me, and hurt me. That's why I've always been so reluctant to sitting with you in lunch because, I don't want anyone hurting you guys. You, Jenny, Dante, Spence, Sam, and Diego are all I have... I don't want troubled kids ruining that for me. " 'I can't believe I just told him.. Well signed but.. I finally said it... I admitted it.. Why do I feel relieved yet ashamed... ' I refused to look at him what if he laughed, what if he didn't care, what if-

"I'm going to kill those sons of bitches. " My eyes widen hearing him mutter those words I glanced over at him and I saw how angry and beyond infuriated he looked. I was getting a little scared so I scooted close to the car door, looked out the window, crossed my fingers, and started counting how many different colors I would see. 'Why am I scared?... I shouldn't be scared of Aiden... I'm not I just don't know what he does when he is angry, yeah...'

(Sorry for the long wait hope you're still enjoying the book, I'll try updated more often, hope you're all safe and okay💜💜)

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