Chapter 17

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Jailyn's POV:

I couldn't bare look his way or his face. I just hoped he didn't doesn't see anything. All throughout class I just looked down at my desk or out the window. I would see him look my way wave his hand around to catch my attention or make a small quiet "pssst". Which received some glares but knowing him he could care less about what others thought or said. We only had to work on a worksheet after our teacher taught the new lesson I finished the paper fairly quick. So I just closed my eyes listening to music making me feel a little better smiling to myself when I would hear songs from my favorite group. Soon enough it was time for the next class, trying to put my stuff away quickly subtly I put on my backpack and basically dashed to the door until- "Mind if I join you unless you're to busy avoiding me."

Aiden's POV:

*huffs* Something is up with Peanut and I'm going to figure out what. As I kept trying to get her attention I noticed she had earbuds on and how she subtly bobbed her head and lightly tapped her small feet. I just watched her she was adorable *chuckles* what makes it more adorable is she does it to herself unlike other annoying girls who act cute to get their way. It always annoyed the hell out of me when they would use that stupid squeaky voice almost sounding like a child. But with Peanut there's just something about her that draws me to her and I don't know why.

*bell rings* FINALLY!!!! Its time for the next class I already had my things packed so I put on my backpack and saw Jailyn struggle trying to be quick. Making me smile at her frustration walking almost strutting my way to the door on the wall where the door was ' Here's my chance '

"Mind if I join you unless you're too busy avoiding me." I saw Peanut's cheek flush a little she quickly looked away causing me to chuckle. I waited until she signed me an answer

"Yeah let's go or we'll be late" Nodding agreeing with her we start walking and I see a group of my teammates just standing in a circle talking amongst each other. None of us are really close but we're all on good terms with friendly rivals here and there. Trying to make a conversation with Peanut but my name gets called "Yo Aide ready for practice? Coach says he's really gonna be on your ass today" he chuckled.

Chuckling myself knowing what my teammate means coach is going to prepare me for new passes and drills to get ready for our upcoming game "Damn then I guess you better be ready to catch my throws" the guys laughed and "OooooooOOOOOooooOOOooed" from my response but then I see him smirk and came closer to me and Jai.

"Ah whose your little friend you got there?" He asked while eyeing jai which I didn't particularly favor. "This is Jailyn a good friend of mine" smiling at him then I looked at Peanut and saw her looking down almost afraid to look up or see a new person's face then I saw her shaking a bit. I was getting worried until said teammate butted in.

Jailyn's  POV:

'No no nononononononono its freaking Tyke!! Why here, why now?! Can't you just let me live in peace!' I started shaking gluing my eyes to the floor avoiding the snake's eyes at all costs! "Nice to meet you Jailyn, *smirking* hope to see you more often. Better know your place little mute" he muttered the last part he then bro hugged Aiden mouthing "Your lucky this time freak" I'm basically sweating buckets and gulping behind him I see his pigs chuckle darkly while glaring at me. The snake then proceeded to play his act and offered a hand towards me. Out of reflex I flinched.....I freaking flinched embarrassing myself. I wanted to run away but I couldn't. But what surprised me and got me scared at the same time was Aiden's reaction.

Aiden's POV:

Blocking Tyke's hand away from Jailyn was like a reflex to me I didn't even know I would react like that. I just did I knew Tyke didn't know about Jailyn's fear of touch but I had to protect her more because of how scared she looked 'Probably the stress of meeting a new person' so I mentally told myself. "Ha ha yeah she's not much of a greeter or noise maker anyway see you guys later, come on Jai let's go". I offered her my backpack strap which she took quickly and I lead us to class. I usually would offer her my backpack strap whenever the halls seems crowded and I got worried she would be smooshed and have a panic attack not that I've seen her go through a big one.

Once we made it to class thankfully on time we sat next to each other or more like I sat next to Jailyn. "You okay Peanut?" "Yeah I'm okay" she signed casually "Your not lying to me are you?" She didn't move she froze and that already made my worry level raise more. She's been off since she came late 'You know what she coming over to our house. And we can talk there better and I'm NOT taking no for an answer. '

*time skip*

It was getting close to lunch time which I'm glad cuz a bitch starving! Any who while I'm doodling in my paper I have an idea 'Maybe it's time to introduce Peanut to my weird ass friends....wait is that smart.... well I don't want to be her only friend no wait I want to be her BEST FRIEND but I'm sure she wouldn't mind making new friends '. As the class was getting ready for lunch I tried to figure out a way to ask Peanut if she wanted to hang with me without putting myself that I may or may not listen to her play her piano sometimes.

"Hey Jai what do where do you go for lunch?" She looked at me with a skeptical face as I tried to look clueless soon she answered my question nonetheless "To the music room" pretending to act surprised and waiting for a moment or two "Well would you like to eat lunch with me?". Her reaction was so pure and cute oml Haha her eyes opened wide and brows furrowed in pure confusion and shock. "Wait you want me to eat with you? Don't you have friends you much rather spend your lunch with?"  I gave her a sad smile it always ached my heart whenever she cared more about what would happen to me than it would make her feel. "Jai I'm asking if *you* want to come eat with me and yes my friends will be there but I'm sure they'll love a cutie like you " my eyes widen and face heated up when realization hit me 'I did NOT just say WTF JDIDIDKDODIDK DID I REALLY JUST SAY THAT' "Eerrrrrr I mean it's not like I think your cute, NO WAIT you are you are! It's just *groans covering face dropping head on table*" I just embarrassed myself in front of Peanut FML!!! As I was wallowing in my own embarrassment I heard those angelic sounds that I always loved hearing. I look up and see peanut laughing giggling covering her mouth and smiling her cheeks rosy. She looked so beautiful and happy and from that moment on I will do everything to always see her this happy and giggly.

Dark DaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora