Chapter 39

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Aiden's POV:

That night when I got us back home safe and sound while I put peanut on my bed and covered her in a blanket I headed towards the kitchen to see my mom sipping on a cup of tea as she sat at the table with another cup beside her. "You alright hunny bun?" I shook my head not being able to use my words just yet, I sat down and held the warm cup in my hands as I tried not to get emotional again. My momma always knew not to rush me, she never needed to because with her everything always spilled out. I stared at the tea as if it was the most interesting thing in the world then I took a deep breath and looked at momma.

"I can't tell you everything because its not my place and I don't want to break Jailyn's trust but Momma... she's been... she's-" I started choking up, so my momma held my hand and smiled reassuringly. "She's being bullied by someone I've known for a while but they aren't my close friend. She's been hurt in so many ways both physically and emotionally, I can't imagine how she lived a living nightmare for all these years... For years we all saw how she limped, never said a word to anybody how she would flinch whenever someone would get too close or whenever there was a loud noise she would cower down and cover her ears, how she would always just stare out looking out in the distance like... like she was longing for something that can't be reached. Yet I did nothing ma... I never tried talking to her or ask if she was okay, momma what would've happened if- Mom the things she went through were horrible! Unimaginable! I can't- *hic* I can't-" panic started coursing through my veins when the idea of her wanting to take her life popped in my head 'she would've died believing no one cared...and at the time she would've been right..' that alone would eat me alive. 

"That won't happen on my watch, I promise you we will do what we can. I am so sorry she went through that sweetie. I can't imagine how it feels like when the person you care for the most tells you horrendous things that occurred to them knowing that maybe if you took the first step towards them you could've saved them a lot of grief. As much as it aches and pains your own heart Aiden, this isn't about you. Her telling you about the truth isn't about how guilty you feel, this is about her you got it? So don't you dare spend one more minute dwelling on what you could've done when instead you can spend it letting that poor girl know you will not ever let her be alone in pain anymore. That she has people that care about her, you will be the strong man I raised and grow some and let that precious young lady know that you care Aiden. Do you understand me?!" By the end of her speech she slammed her hand on the table as she held her pointer finger on my chest where my heart was and her breath was a little rigid while she looked into my eyes with a serious and stern look.

I won't lie and say it didn't hurt that she wasn't being the usual gentle loving momma but I understood why she was so "angry" and serious about this. We've had something like this happen before but it didn't have a great ending. That is for another time but after momma calmed down she let out a breath and cupped my cheek wiping away my dry tears and whispered "Don't let fear stop you from doing what's right, alright?" I leaned in her soft hand and nodded "Yes ma'am" "That's my boy *kisses cheek* now go on and get some rest." 

And with that I was now laying on the ground of my bedroom floor while a little someone occupied my bed. I know what some of you must be thinking ' This is your chance Aiden! You could sleep in the same bed as your princess and end up cuddling each other!' and trust me as tempting as that is I can't and I won't! Look I really care about Jailyn more than I would want to admit but I want to do things right, I want to do everything with her full and wanted consent and knowledge about with no regrets! So I definitely will be apologizing for "kissing" her? 'wait was that even a kiss?' well whatever it was I'll be sure to stop myself from being to forward....unless she wants to keep getting "air kisses" then I guess maybe I won't refrain myself. 

As the night dragged on I kept on thinking of ways to help my princess, even momma tried asking me if Jailyn's had proof of anything that's happened to her sadly I didn't have answer for momma or for myself but I won't go sticking my finger in her business anymore. Not that I won't stop asking but I won't be asking for answer for a bit she's told me more than enough. As I was thinking of plans on what to do I kept thinking back of the moment where our foreheads were pressed against each other, how she huddled into my chest while I was holding her and held her cheek. It was so supple, so delicate, so warm I couldn't stop myself from caressing her cheek. When I looked into her soft bambi-like eyes you could just stare into them for eternity. I couldn't help but stare at my right thumb as the scene replayed in my head over and over again making me smile bigger and bigger the more I remembered making my heart swell with complete content and joy. ' God I wish I could air kiss her forever... I would do anything to protect her and I will do my best to let her know. I promise'

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