Chapter 20

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Aiden's POV:

*at lunch*

The whole time Jailyn and my gang were talking or should I say them talking and me translating for them I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Her hair looked so soft, her little button nose, her small but plumped soft lips. As I gawked at Peanut's face my heart stopped 'What the hell happened to her cheek?!?!?! Omg her cheek how didn't I notice that from before... there's a lot of things I never noticed before but I swear I will find out. I will know about you Jailyn.' overall things where awesome the gang didn't seem to put pressure on her since they are iffy with new girls I meet for reasons.... anyway I couldn't stop smiling during lunch I didn't even here anything irrelevant or stupid like usual. Maybe it was a calm day but maybe it was because I was focused on someone else.

*time skip*

With my head on my desk and eyes glued to the clock trying to make time go faster to get out of this dreaded class. "You know staring at the clock won't magically make it time to go home bub." the voice chuckled out. I raised my head and smiled it was my friend Jenny she was a very smart nerdy dorky version of a Disney princess the one with the bear I think? Anyway "yeah yeah I know *huffs* Oh! I've been meaning to ask you what did you think of Jai hmm? hmmmm?! " asking a little to loudly receiving looks from other people as I waited for her answer.

"She seems like a very sweet girl, adorable, SUPER innocent like a little bunny its cute" I cheered with fist bump to the air "but there's something off about her I can't put my finger on like she's hiding something" groaning in slight despair but I won't lie I also feel like that too. I barely know anything about her... " Yeah she's very closed off I guess you can say she doesn't talk much about herself" I muttered under my breathe "Anyway why ask me of what I think of her?" I shrugged "Just... I just want to make sure my gang and a new comer get along "

The bell FINALLY rang causing me to race off saying a quick good bye to Jenny and go towards the locker rooms, seeing Peanut slowly make her way towards the back of the school. I wondered what's wrong but I can't afford being late to practice so it would have to wait.

No one's POV:

As Aiden made his way changing into his practice gear he paid no mind to anyone liking his own privacy when changed unlike the other guys they always talk smack of who's more fit or has more muscles. After he was done he went to the football and started warming up while waiting for everyone else. Little did he know he's football mates were for sure going to test Aiden's loyalty towards the "Mute Freak"

While Jailyn finally made it home and went to the kitchen to grab a quick snack. Seeing her empty fridge she mad a mental note to go sometime this week. Grabbing the last little bunch of grapes washing them she made her way to her room. Having her bike inside the doors locked she felt at ease or at least a bit considering her body was still trying to heal up from past events.

As Jailyn finished what she needed and wanted to complete she had around 30 mins left so she thought maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt so she crawled on top of her bed hugged Jimmy tightly letting the stuffie's smell enter her nose. Smelling like baby powder and a hint of cotton candy just like her Eomma. 

Jailyn's POV:

No you don't need it you're already a teenager not a baby.... 'but you know it helps you sleep a little better' [your fucking disgusting for even considering to use that thing.] I let out a small whimper and buried my face into Jimmy soft furry tummy. 'Why can't I have a break from myself' [I mean you can] I tilt my head in confuse but I block out the bad voice.

Ten minutes have passed and I was still having my debate, on the bright side of it maybe it will let me catch a good nap before Aiden comes over to pick me up. 'Okay okay I'll use it, besides eomma did give it to us and was one out of two things we have of Eomma so maybe if she's watching us she would be happy right?' Right. Letting my hand slide under my pillows and scatter around to search for what I'm looking for. I get anxious not being able to feel like it my breathe was starting to get uneven but then I finally felt the cold plastic letting a sigh of relief out of my mouth my body starting to relax.

Taking out my beloved object  ' No one will know. No one will find out. ' [yeah, right.] I stared at it for a minute or two the thing I've used since a child then I popped it in my mouth and started sucking on it making me completely relaxed how I missed this... I lay my head on my soft pillow holding Jimmy to my chest curled up like a little nugget. I slowly start to close my eyes and let sleep take me into dream land.

Author's POV:

As sleep took Jailyn and her stuffed bear which she sees as her bestfriend in its calming darkness. She failed to realize she only had 12mins left for her nap until a special friend came knocking on the door.  You may wonder what's so secretive or wrong about what Jailyn has kept as a child a bad habit some might say. Well my friends that something is a pacifier, a child sized pacifier one that her mother last gave her before she passed. Yes it's odd to think a mother would give their 6yrs old daughter a new pink and white sparkly pacifier as a goodbye gift but her mother could care less of what people thought she loved her little baby and the least she could do is give her things that keep her baby happy in such a cruel world. The least she could've done is let her baby go on in this world with something she knows helps her comfort her.

Although Jailyn believes her mom just "let her" keep her paci because it was already too late to stop Jailyn's habits. Truth is her mother never wanted her to stop using her pacifier because not only was it adorable but the little plastic object always helped Jailyn when she would cry, to sleep, to stop her fits, to be brave even. It helped more than what a mother would hope but Jailyn's mother could care less as long as Jailyn's true to herself she will never stop loving her baby even if she still sucks on a pacifier and hugs a stuffed bear to sleep.

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