Chapter 22

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Aiden's POV: 

"Why don't you open up to me? .... do you not trust me?.."

I couldn't help but feel angry at the idiot back in the locker room, at Jailyn, and angry at myself. I don't know why but I was feeling betrayed even lied to ' She wouldn't be doing such things right? It's just stupid rumors. That's all it is just rumors.  She wouldn't do that with another boy... She wouldn't! '  I was growing angrier by the second thoughts filling my head, endless ties my brain would come up with each upsetting me more than the last. 

"Why won't you talk to me?" she just sat in her chair just staring at me she looked like she was going to cry but I couldn't give a shit in this moment. "Enough with the fucking crocodile tears and enough with this fucking act! Tell me the fucking truth Jailyn,  are you running around and opening your legs to every fucking dude you see huh?! Are you just playing with me does our friendship mean anything to you?! " I yelled at her slamming my fist on the table causing the resting spoon in my ice cream flip backwards and hit Jailyn on her chest and get her shirt dirty with ice cream. My chest was puffing in and out letting out heavy pants the anger I felt about 2 mins ago slowly seemed to fade it was quiet too quiet. It felt like it all froze and was in slow motion.  

Jailyn's POV:

[I knew it, he doesn't give a fuck about you. He switched a flip on you] I was heartbroken, confused, and afraid ' Who told him those things... how did he find out!?' He wouldn't stop yelling, he looked at me with such anger and disgust my heart would ache and I hated it. I felt like every bright light and hopeful feeling I had was slowly being blown out like lit candles and my lungs were being filled with the smoke of despair and hurt. It felt like I couldn't breathe properly or even see straight everything was blurry my body shook in place not daring to move. I felt the exact thing I felt every time "he" was angry... I felt like a caged beaten animal. This was the exact moment I lost faith in everything and everyone even him....' You weren't supposed to be like everyone else..' 

I felt something cold and hard hit my chest and that's when I realize his spoon hit me. I just stared at him I had nothing to say nothing to sign. [You're a fucking idiot to think "he" would ever give a shit about you all he wants was to know your shitty life to plaster it all over the wall like "she" did. You should just go ki-]

No one's POV: 

As Aiden was realizing the massive mistake he has done it was too late. There was no going back how could he? Jailyn couldn't take the pain anymore she got up from the chair, threw her half melted ice cream in the garbage, pulled her backpack over her shoulder, went to the counter leaving a tip for cashier with tears falling from her eyes. Then stormed off disappearing in thin air at the moment she couldn't focus she couldn't keep the tears from falling letting her feet lead her to anywhere. Hiding behind a bush and tree tucking in her knees and let the tear drops flow and the sobs come out. No one was around to hear the wails of pain, no one there to hold her, to tell her that they will be there, for the first in while she felt completely and utter alone. She had no one again, no one who cared, no one to distract her from her pain or cruel life.

After a few hours Jailyn was finally able to stop the waterworks from flowing at around 7 pm according to the smart phone on her thigh. She had Jimmy in her arms holding him tight sniffling and wiping away the blurriness in her puffy red eyes. After a minute or two she finally had the strength and will to get up. As she was walking along side the road looking at the floor counting the small pebbles her foot would encounter and kick still having her "bestie" in her arms currently was walking home in the dark. A few blocks back she was able to figure out her way home. 

(Time Skip)

A week passed by where Jailyn would avoid Aiden and he was trying everything to get to her, to talk, to get answers. Sadly enough Jailyn couldn't find a valid reason to forgive Aiden besides she remembers his words how he would understand even leave her alone if she so wished but that's thing Jailyn doesn't want him to leave her alone but when she would think of him she would choke up but would refuse to open the faucets and let the water flow out. Due to the lack of "protection" Jailyn's situation in dealing with the school's biggest bullies was worse by the day and the limps and bruises weren't going unnoticed.  

One day as Jailyn was getting groceries from the store on her way back home she heard a small noise stopping her in her tracks. She hid her bike behind a dumpster and tried looking for the small noise in the dark alley. With a pout forming on her lips she didn't find whatever was making the noise but she found something worse . 


"Well well well what's a pretty little lady like you doing alone in a dark alley?" Jailyn's breathe cut off freezing in her spot shaking ever so subtly. She was faced with a grubby looking man, clearly drunk being able to smell the horrible stench of beer from him. Jailyn tried to run off from the scary looking guy but her blocked her path and towered over her. "Whoa whoa where are you going bitch. Why don't you let me feel how tight you are fucking bitch. " He pinned her against the wall hand wrapping around her neck preventing her from screaming too loud.

 She scratched and kicked at him but the bastard wouldn't budge she was screaming crying doing what she could to get away but he was too strong. The grubby man started to kiss at Jailyn's neck and his free hand pulling down her pants and underwear which caused her to scream more and cry louder. He was getting irritated by the second so he slapped her hard enough to make her jaw close tight and make her quiet like if she was trained to so but that didn't stop her body from shaking or the tears from falling. He threw her to the wet concrete onto a pile of garbage bags making her face his disgusting sweaty face.  


She tried running away but the man already had her pinned forcing her legs open as he quickly and hurriedly tried to lower his own pants. Right before she was going to go through her trauma again out of no where she saw the grubby man get knocked out and fall the ground unconscious. Jailyn took the opportunity and scrambled into a ball covering herself as best she could. She looked at who had the stop the disgusting man, her heart dropped and shattered. And that someone felt like the biggest piece of shit in the whole universe. And this was the exact moment he defiantly knew he had to protect the small scared girl that he had to protect his "Peanut" no matter what.

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