Chapter 37

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Jailyn's POV:

"Princess have you ever tried reporting your father?" To be honest I've thought of it, but if I ever did I was always afraid they would think I was lying or just thought I was completely insane. Besides my father, I don't have anyone else... and as much as I hate my father to my core there's a small part of me that just wants him around not because I need him, but because I'd rather be the one he is hurting than someone else that happened to cross his path. I didn't know what to tell him but I knew it was best to tell him. 
" I have, but I've never had the ability or courage to do so. Also, if I did at the time I was only 13 no one would believe me anyway... everyone has shown me that they didn't care enough to even try questioning why I would be limping or have bruises covering my body when I was at school, so I just gave up on the thought of anyone helping let alone caring. And a part of me feels like I deserve it..." the pain in my chest deepened more as I admitted the real reason to why I've stayed in that hell hole for so long, why I gave up on fighting my demons... the numbness started to kick in as my eyes started to water so I hid my face in his chest, gripping on his shirt and jacket so the ground wouldn't swallow me whole... bear  was tense, but then I felt his finger under my chin as he guided my chin upward to look at him, I couldn't help but feel shy and small as his eyes looked at my own, having sorrow filled green eyes look at me, confused my brain but comforted the feelings my damaged heart felt.  

Whenever I imagined telling someone the truth, I always imagined the other person to not show any signs of sympathy or care in the world which always made me grow more reluctant to tell anyone but telling bear I feel a great amount of relief and horror. For the first time in my life someone knows my story and I don't have to wear a mask of being strong or pretend that I have a perfect life. I could be myself and that was enough, the more I felt his arms around me the more at home I felt. We just stayed there in our little moment, looking into each other's eyes under the starry night sky as he kept his finger under my chin to keep our gazes on each other not wanting to look away anytime soon. Then the words that came out of his mouth made my eyes spill more tears as my heart skipped beats from overwhelming relief and happiness

Aiden's POV: 

"...And part of me feels like I deserve it..." when she signed the last sentence my heart broke one more time and god I wanted to hug her tight and beg her to take those words back but I knew no amount of yelling could take the thoughts she had about herself for years away. In the moment all I could do was what my heart yearned to do. I made her look up at me as I muttered in a whisper just for her to barely hear 

" You didn't deserve that princess... an angel like you didn't deserve her wings to be clipped... you deserve the galaxy and more princess... My princess deserves everything and more"

as I whispered the closer our faces became and the more my heart was thumping so I rested my forehead against hers while she leaned in. I held her closer as my thumb caressed her chin and my eyes looked into hers. ' You're so fucking beautiful and precious baby... I'll do everything I can to protect you, even if its the last thing I do... please don't ever think about going to your stars again... please... don't leave me princess, stay with me.' I didn't want to move hell I didn't want to let her go from the position we were in especially of how pink she is and how beautiful her bambi eyes look with the stars reflecting them. God I was doing everything in my power to not kiss her, to not kiss away her pain, to not tell her the words I promised myself to never tell another soul. What didn't help was the fact she kept leaning into my finger making her lips brush against my thumb. 

I looked down to her lips and caressed them gently which made her squeak and I couldn't help but chuckle and smile at her. I wanted to do it so badly, to press her lips against mine but I knew it wasn't the time or place but I just had to get the feeling.. I just gotta or I'm gonna go insane.

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