CH12 : His psycho ward

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Mad Hatter

      I walked into what looked more like a library than an office still feeling nervous
     "Miss Michealson good morning I've been expecting you, please have a seat" Mr Taylors said with a warm smile
    He was also in a white lab coat and looked a lot lije Rick, well I guess they are brothers so that's kind of expected
    I walked over to his desk in the middle of the room and pkanted my self on a seat opposite him
   "Good morning Mr Taylors and please just call me Nicole" I replied with a small smile but I was sure he could see it was forced I had no idea why I was suddenly jumpy around people, maybe cause I've been meeting a lot of new people lately
    "Miss Michealson no need to be nervous, I'll like you to tell me what happened to you ever since Seth came back in town as well as about you life at home" he said
    So I told him all that happened with Seth and how my family life has always been, my parents to busy to care for their children dumped us with a nanny at their friends house which happens to be Seth's parents
    Growing up together Seth, Corina and I grew close and looked up to my elder brother by three years Tyson, we went to the same schools all through and eventually declared ourselfs bestfriends in first year alongside Anne who only used that as an oppurtunity to get close to Seth
   I started dating Julio at the end of first year and we dated up until Corina's death when I started to isolate myself from the outside world and neglet my other best friend Seth, eventually I got dragged to a party by Anne who Seth promised to go with if I showed up where I met Seth
   We drank away our sorrows together and he kissed me in his drunken stupor which I don't think he ever remembered,  Anne saw this and decided to make my life miserable with the help of my ex Julio
    Seth never even paid attention to me or my new found bullies but slowly receeded into his shell leaving me suffer for the rest of sophomore year
    Finally the year came to an end and Seth was already classified a badboy due to his antisocial tendencies, surprisingly I heard he was moving away from school and ran all the way to his house but by the time I got there he was already leaving and I couldn't find the courage to approach him, that was the last I saw my best friend until he stumbled into his house drunk and high off his ass a couple weeks ago
     Mr Taylors looked at me with an unreadable expression making me squirm under his gaze, he looked ufazed but my story maybe he thought I was a whining child after all I'm sure he's heard more heart breaking stories in his line of work
     He asked me a couple questions then dismissed me
     I walked out feeling exhausted and walked and was led to a room by Layla where I collapsed on the bed face first and fell into deep slumber not even bothering to look around
      I watched the brown haired girl collapse on the soft bed and entered a deep slumber I let a small smile slip and closed the door with a soft click
     In this hospital we have a total of 20 patients which is our maximum capacity, we like to give each patient our best attention so we have a low limit, the first ten came in together just as the recent ten and I've been placed in charge of the nurses caring for this ten teenagers
    I walked into Dane's office and saw him making a cup of coffee
    "Too much coffee is dangerous Dane" I scolded earning a grunt in reply
    "So how was she" I asked walking in and taking a sit at his desk, he came over sat opposite me placing a file in front of me
     "She's staying for further supervision but since all of your ten patient are here let go over this" he said picking up his own files that will
    "Okay first we have
Name : Seth Carter
Age : 18
Height : 6'2
Weight : 139 pounds
Diagnosis : Bipolar Personality Disorder, Obsessive Love Disorder
Symptoms (BPD): Insomia, Depressive episodes, Loss of toucg with reality, violent,  manipulative, angry, fear abandonment, irritable, risk taking, aggitated, hyperactive, self-harm, insatiable sexual desire, impulsive, delusional, lack concentration, false beliefs, substance abuse
Symptoms (OLD) : Overwhelming attraction to a person, Obsessivd thoughts about that person, Need to protect that person, Possessive thoughts and actions towards that person, Extreme jealousy, Low self esteem
      "I put him on some anti-depresants, anti-anxiety and anti-psychotic pills also anti-convulsants when nessecary also assign him a therapist and let him or her know his history" Dane said sipping his coffee
      "Noted, next patient is
Name : Molly Cooper
Age : 18
Height : 5'7
Weight : 119
Diagnosis : Psychopathic Personality Disorder
Symptoms (PPD) : Disregarding and violating right of others, Inability to distinguish between right and wrong, Lack of remorse or empathy, manipulative, substance abuse
      "Only treatment I can prescribe is therapy,  unto the next one then" he said his coffee long finished
Name : Sambra Clark
Age : 18
Height : 5'9
Weight : 120 pounds
Diagnosis : Anti-Social Personality      Disorder
Symptoms (ASPD) : Impulsive, Lacks regard for personal safett or safety of others, antisocial behaviour, decietfullness, manipulative, risk taking, aggresive, irritability, lack of restraint, anger, boredom, general discontent, substance abuse
"Arrange for psychotherapy and behavioral therapy, next" he said
Name : Damien Cruz
Age : 18
Height : 5'11
Weight : 131 pounds
Diagnosis : Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Syptoms (OCD) : Compulsive behaviour, aggitation, hypervigilance, impulsive, meaningless repitition of own words, repititive movements, ritualistic behaviour, social isolation, persistent repitition of words and actions, substance use
"Okay, I put him on some Anxiolytic and antidepressants, provide cognitive behavioral therapy, aversion theraphy and exposure and response prevention, next"
Name : Dave Reinhold
Age : 20
Height : 6'2
Weight : 136 pounds
Diagnosis :  Dissociative Identity Disorder
Symptoms (DID) : Impulsive, self-harm, anxiety, feeling detached from self, mood swings, altered conciousness, depression, flashbacks, blackouts or memory loss, substance use
"Place him under psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy"
Name : Ethan Raines
Age : 18
Hieght : 6'0
Weight : 137 pounds
Diagnosis : Stockholm Syndrome, Paranoid Personality Disorder
Symptoms (SS) : Nightmares, Insomia, flashbacks, tendency to startle easily, confusion
Symptoms (PPD) : Doubting loyalty of others, believing others have a hidden motive, hypersensitive to critism, anger and hostility, social isolation, substance use
"Antipsychotics, psychotherapy and counselling psychology"
Name : Aiden Marlow
Age : 17
Height : 5'9
Weight : 113 pounds
Diagnosis : Anxious Personality Disorder
Symptoms (APD) : Extremely shy, fear ridicule, overly concerned with looking foolish, fear, inferiority complex, social isolation
"Antidepressants, sedatives when needed, cognitive behavioral therapy, desensitization, psychotherapy"
Name : Aria Benett
Age : 17
Height : 5'4
Weight : 103 pounds
Diagnosis : Dependent Personality Disorder
Symptoms (DPD) : needy, passive and clingy behaviour, fear of separation and abandonment, inability to make everyday decision without advice, anxiety, depression, avoidance of personal responsibility, lack of self confidence, lack of self reliance, self harm, substance abuse
"Uhm, behavioral health therapy, anti-depressants and anti-anxiety"
Name : Nicole Michealson
Age : 17
Height : 5'7
Weight : 117 pounds
Diagnosis : Stockholm Syndrome
Symptoms : nightmares, insomnia, flashbacks, tendency to startle easily, confusion, paranoia, unhealthy attachment to abuser, self harm, depression, anxiety
Anti depressants, anti anxiety and counselling psychology
Name : Julio Montez
Age : 18
Height : 6'0
Weight : 137 pounds
Diagnosis : Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Symptoms (NPD) : need for admiration, disregard for others feelings, inability to handle criticism, sense of entitlement, unemotional traits, receptor antagonist, social isolation, depression, substance abuse
"Anti depressants, counselling therapy and group therapy, ir rather put them all on group therapy, once a week the familiarity might help them and i might change that depending on thier individual response to tge therapy, that's all your patients make sure you and you team handle them well, I have a feeling they're connected to Dennis patients that will soon be leaving hopefully I'm wrong, you're dismissed"
      I stood up and left the room  with a lot to think about, I wonder what they could possibly have in common with the other ten patients, I know they're in the same age group but those patients are torture suvivors, could these patients also have gone through nine months of brutal torture?"

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