CH9 : He's possessive

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Somebody that I used to know

       I woke up with a start at the sound of the alarm and looked towards the bed to see a sleeping Seth, I stood up to wake him so that we could prepare for school but his sleeping face was so cute and peaceful it was almost impossible to bring myself to wake him ecspecially knowing what kind of reaction I'll probably get from him
      Praying and hoping last nights words were as a result of the drugs in his system, I raised my arm towards him to wake him but the moment my hand was millimeters from his face he caught my wrist into a tight grasp and pulled me down, this made me wonder if he was such a light sleeper already awake, the posdibility brought a blush to my face but I was scared nevertheless
        In this position I had every right to be, my back was on the soft sheets and he hovered over me like a dark cloud with that perfect bed hair and hooded eyes did I mention he was shirtless, definately a drool worthy combination
       Looking at him now I realized just how much he changed, he was definately not the Seth from all those years ago he was way more built I mean aren't drug addicts meant to be skin and bones where did all this muscle come from, he wasn't bulky but he wasn't skinny either
       "What are you staring at" he asked looking pissed as fuck
      "So you didn't like my happiness, figured you wouldn't,  you've always been a prude afterall, I guess we'll do this the hard way then since you wanna be a stuck up bitch, people like you are the worst you place your pride above all else creating reputations that do nothing but depress you then you go to therapists paying money and talking about problems that you caused for yourself and then they tell you excactly what you wanna hear just so you come again, assholes that what you all are I thought you'll be different that you'll understand but you're just like every other bitch out there selfish" he screamed at me and by now I was fearing for my life but then all of a sudden all anger left his face and he was so calm and cold it sent a shiver of fear down my spine
       "I guess I tried, I wanted you to have a choice for the sake of our history together but since you insist on bieng a bitch I have no choice you'll be happy with me whether you like it or not, you'll be my pet at home and at school, at school our timetable has been rearranged so we have all our classes together and I'll be with you everytime, everywhere and if I can't one of the guys will take over in protecting you, we'll be together and happy forever" he said getting that crazed look in his eyes again making me whimper and press further into the bed in a lame attempt to get farther away from him
        "You see you're too precious to me I can't let you slip away like she did" he said looking at me tenderly, his personality changes were beginning to bother me
       "Oh and don't bother asking any of my friends for help, I'm sure they'll be disappointed, I had high hopes for you we all did we thought you'll be able to understand and share in our happiness but I guess I was wrong about you" he said now stroking my hair lovingly despite the stern look on his face
       Any hopes I had for talking to his friends for help was shattered it seemed they were all as insane as him and believe this fake happiness was real so I was right in the beginning I was living in a house not just full of drug addicts but also with a twisted mentality
        I suddenly felt sad at the thought of teenagers who so early in life have gone through enough to believe that drugs are their only solution and companion in this cruel world
       "Go get dressed were leaving for school" he said smilling down at me as he got up and went into the closet
        Pulling myself together I went into the shower had a nice bath and wrapped a towel around my body and another around my waist then left the bathroom completely forgetting that I now lived with a man who was now staring at me like a delectable meal
        Letting out a squek I bolted for the bathroom but he caught me easily holding me with my back to his chest
        I grabbed unto the towel thightly scared it will drop any minute and waited for his next action with bathed breaths, it was almost like I was anticipating his next action after seeing that hungry look in his eyes but he just leaned over and whispered in my ear
       "Today at school you stick with me and the group, talk to anyone but us and I'll punish you, look at anyone and you get the same, only talk when you're spoken to and always awnser when you're asked a question and show respect to us and no one else, if I see you with someone else I'll break them and make you watch, from now on you eat what I want you to, you wear what I want you to, say what I want you to, be where I want you to and do what I want you to or there will be consequences and believe me when I say you won't like them, now get dressed cherry or we'll be late, clothes are on the bed" he said releasing me
       Now I was really starting to freak out what his mom said was happening, he was getting possesive, I didn't want to be another problem for him, if only I had been there for this wouldn't have happened
      I heard the click of the bathroom door and scambled to dress before he came out
      I quickly put on the white sweatshirt that was at least four times my size almost reaching my knee and successfully covering all my curves even with the black skinny jeans but even I had to admit it was cute, I put on a black and white Balenciaga and packed my long brown hair up in a pony tail before picking up my bag pack
      As if on queue the bathroom and took a long look at me then came over looking at me in the mirror over my head before pulling the band holding my pony tail in place and letting my straight hair fall over my shoulders to it's lower back lenght, although the same shade of brown it was always shorter than Corina's ass lenght curly hair that almost reached her ankle when straightened
        "That's better" he said with a soft smile "always leave it down" he said giving me a light peck on my cheek dusting it in light pink before disappearing into the closet
        I sat down on the bed waiting for him now feeling too scared to be alone with the others as much as I was scared of him he was still the one I felt safest with among them
        A few minutes later he came out of the closet in a white trouser and black sweat shirt with a pure black Balenciaga on and all his piercings in place, he looked up at me then motioned for us to leave
       When we got downstairs the others greeted me as usual buy I just couldn't look at them the same again, I forced a smile on my face and we continued out the house I saw four cars packed outside all looking expensive as fuck, Dave wasn't here and the rest got into rhe cars in pairs of two, sambra and Damien, Ethan and Molly, Aiden and Pink leaving Seth and I to share the black Camoro in front of us
       We got in and had a silent ride to school and the moment the four cars parked at the lot all heads turned and gossips started, I guess they had started making names for themselves
      I got out after Seth and the gossips just got louder I could hear words like
      "So she's back....I bet she'll be the new queen of the school.....we better stick close to her.......I wonder if they're together.......they'll be cute together like one cliche best friends to lovers story" and so on
       As if to confirm their suspicions I felt Seth's hand around my shouder as he leaned over to whusper in my ear
      "Walk cherry, remember talk to no one, look at no one, smile at no one" he said and started moving with me stuck to his side like some kind of trophy wife
      "Well look who decided to show up little queen bitch" I heard Julio's voice but was too scared to look up due to Seth's threat, the fact that I've come to fear my best friend more than my bully was unnerving but it is what it is
      Seth seemed to stiffen beside me in what I guess was anger at the sound of Julio's voice
     "What do you want" he asked tensely I almost wanted to look up and tell Julio to leave
     "I want little miss whore to come over here now" Julio's voice boomed sending a shiver of fear down my spine but not enough to make me disregard even one of Seth's simple rules 'don't look at anybody'
    "I heard you bullied her while I was away it seems I haven't returned that favor" Seth said slowly moving towards Julio who tensed up for a second before anger took over his face
      "Molly could you hold unto her for a second" Seth asked passing me unto Molly like a precious doll but even a doll made of diamond is still a doll and that's ecxactly what I am to Seth right now
       Seth moved towards Julio with that same crazed look slightly creeping through his cool demeanor for a second before his face reverted to a cold mask but the look of fear that passed Julio's face told me he didn't miss it
       It happened so fast  no one saw it comming all I heard was a sickening crack and I saw Julio on the floor holding hos most definately broken jaw rolling on the floor in agony next thing I know Seth is on him on the floor throwing punch after punch at Julio who was releasing more screams at every crack I heard, he must have broken at least ten bones before Mr Taylors came to Julio's rescue pulling Seth off him alongside Mr Marvel
      Seth forced himself out of their grip looking at Julio's neat death body that was beaten an bloody beyond recognition
     The fact that he was still looking at him with that slight smirk on his face confirmed my theory thst he needed help with his mental health
      He looked me and caught me staring in shock, not at him but at the bloody body on the ground and the grin he sent my way was all the confirmation I needed to know I was in trouble with him, I had broken one rule 'don't look at anybody' and now he was going to break me since he's already broken the one I was looking at
       This sent me into a state of panic, if he could do this to Julio there was no doubt he'll keep the promise those eyes are spelling
        I suddenly started hyperventilating, it was like all the oxygen was sucked out of the air, blotches of black srarted to appear around my vision and I was slowly losing my grip on conciousness but I couldn't daint now not when the monster I once called my best friend was the arms I'll fall into, but I couldn't fight the darkness anymore it won and consumed me, the last thing I heard was someone screaming my name
       'Was that Seth......was that concern I heard in his it was probably my ears playing tricks on me.......yeah that's got to be it" were my last thoughts before I let the darkness do what it pleased with me

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