CH2 : He's addicted!?!

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Thunderclouds - LSD ft Sia, Diplo, Labrinth


The door burst open and Seth came stumbling in looking like a lost puppy he held his keys in one hand and he's jacket in the other, he's pupil's were dilated indicating that he was high and when he saw me he grinned and slurred "Nicole..." and I knew his return will turn my life upside down.


I stood there frozen in shock as Seth came over to me with wide arms going to wrap his arms around me and I could instantly smell the alcohol took over my senses with another scent that smelled like cigarettes he squeezed me hard into him before pulling away just as his mother came running out of their living area, immediately she saw his state she burst into tears.

"we've only been here for three days Seth, you promised you'll try" she said sobbing into her hands as she slid down the wall, I rushed to her even though I had no idea why she was crying.

"I'm sorry you had to see this Nicole please just help Seth to his room I need to have a word with you and please be careful with him only god knows what he took this time" she said quietly and it gradually started to make sense, I just hope this is not what I think it is.

I walked over to a giggling Seth "Nicole I mi..s..sed you" he said still giggling, I took him by his hand and gently led him up the stairs practically dragging him up the steps and boy was he heavy

when we finally made it to the room Seth was still going on and on about how much he missed me and how hot and cute I had gotten and believe me i was as red as a god damn tomato

"I want you cherry" he suddenly said holding on to me tightly refusing to let go even after he laid down in bed

I moved to remove his hands but he just held on tighter refusing to let go of me, I tried for some minutes then finally gave up and sat beside him

"you look even better up close" he suddenly breathed out "I missed holding you like this" he said again and next thing I know my back was on the bed and he was hovering over me with lustful eyes boring into mine and then he started leaning in closer and when he lips almost touched mine his head went to the crook of my neck and he slumped against me crushing me with his weight

I don't know if I'm relieved or disappointed, I tried to push him off me so I could go to his mom but he didn't even move a muscle, after a few minutes I heard his soft snores

"you've got to be kidding me, who the hell falls asleep on a person half their size!?!" I said angrily as I used all my strength to push him off me, I probably broke a bone or two but I made it out alive

I walked into his bathroom and fixed myself up before going downstairs to meet his mum, I had a lot of questions that needed sincere answers

"there you are I was scared something had happened to you, come and sit I have a lot to tell you" she said gesturing to the sit in front of her which I did

"where do I start from?" she asked looking down "how about the beginning" I said softly so as not to scare her to tears since she looked like she would break any moment

"well when we moved to Cali Seth was the same, withdrawn and moody and we just decided to watch him for a year to see if he would get better if not we would have sent him to therapy, but one year was apparently too much.

At the end of the year he started going out often and coming home drunk or not coming at all but I just wrote it off as teenage parties besides we were not always home so we couldn't really say that he was gone every other night but that all changed when early February on your birthday to be precise he came home high on god knows what calling your name like he could literally see you and screaming happy birthday at the top of his lungs like a mad man, fortunately Connor wasn't at home so he knew nothing of it, it went on for months but I didn't tell Connor cause I didn't want to send him to rehab but then it was getting worse when summer began and I knew I couldn't keep it to myself anymore and told Connor about it, he called Seth out on it and threatened to disown him but to my surprise he confessed that he's addicted already and that he needs help but Connor said sending him to rehab would damage his reputation and give his rivals an opportunity to blackmail him then I suggested we come here since he always wanted to see you I felt you could help him" she said in one breath and sighed as if a burden was lifted off her shoulders as she stared at me expectantly

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