CH10 : His madness

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An unhealthy obsession

       I woke up to the sound If a continious beeping sound and slowly opened my eyes to see white walls all around me, as if my senses were waking one after the other I next smelt the disinfectants and came to the conclusion that this was a hospital after that I felt the needles and plaster on my skin before the dryness of my mouth came into light
     I slowly rose from my bed startling awake the sleeping boy beside me who upon hearing my hoarse voice did me an unexpected kind gesture of offering me a glass water to drink which I humbly accepted and drank returning the cup after which I tried to speak again only to let out a startling cry as I heard then felt a painful slap across my cheek
     I looked at Seth shocked but let out a gasp when I saw his face he looked pissed, absolutely livid
     Tears ran down my face over my burning cheek as I began to fear staying in the same room with this boy who looked ready to murder me
     "Do you want to die that badly" he said in a quiet voice suddenly looking sad like a kid who just lost their puppy
      "Do you hate me that much you're willing to kill your self just to leave me, why do you all want to leave me so badly am I that much of a bad person, why is everyone just leaving me" he screamed obviously having a mental breakdown, curse this thick hospital walls
       I stood up from the bed on wobbling legs walking over to him and hugging him from behind as we both sank down to the floor
      "I'm not leaving you Seth I'll never leave you okay just calm down please" I said in the most soothing voice I could muster while trying to hold back tears, he was so broken and we all did this to him, we all left him when he needed us the most, I heard losing a twin can be the most devastating thing in life ecspecially at a young age and the other half is always left feeling incomplete, most of those ecspecially closely bonded ones like Seth and Cor never got over the loss and were driven to madness if not attended to with care 
       We attended to this with anything but care and now Seth is slowly tending towards that point of madness
        I needed to do some thig and fast or I'll lose my best friend to his demons, when he calmed down he brought me into his lap and smiled at me one of those his derilious smiles and asked
     "You'll never leave me right? I'm so happy so now you'll finally share in my happiness I'm sure the others will love to have you as a new member of the family you'll be my sweet little doll and I'll cherish you, we'll be happy together forever" he said
     I looked down the tears finally spilling
     "Hey Nico why the tears say something please does it hurt anywhere" he said wiping my tears with his sleeves
      "Seth that happiness is not real it only last while the effect of the heroin lasts" I said looking any where but him
       "What? How could you say that I thought you said you'll never leave me" he said looking hurt
       "I did and I'll never leave you but you have to choose heroin or me" I said looking at him sternly I guess it was a stupid approach but I was getting desperate
       He suddenly burst into laughter, holding his stomach and wheezing, it had been do long since I saw him like this I smiled and almost joined him
      "Babe what the fuck are you saying, how the hell are we going to be happy without heroin, life for us together will be hell without heroin" he said looking at me like I grew an extra head
     I burst into tears again maybe I was getting bipolar like him but I didn't care at this point
     "Why can't you just see that heroin is not good for you" I scream weeping at this point
      "What the hell are you talking about it brought so much happiness into my life and all I want is for you to fell that" he said also screaming
       "That's not happiness it's all a fake, lies fucking lies Seth can't you see all heroin does is give you a false sense of safety as it eats away at all you hold dear, heroin doesn't give happiness it destroys it" I screamed back at him
        "No you're the liar you said you won't leave me and yet here you are, why can't we just be happy" he said looking sad all over again
       "I want that too Seth more than anything but not like this, not with drugs I don't think Cor would want that for any of us" I said quietly and watched his face changed from sad to shocked then anger pure rage as he threw me against the wall earning a pain filled scream from me
      "How dare you, how dare you mention that bitchs name" he said  coming towards where I laid curled up on the ground and started kicking me into the wall mercilessly screaming curses at me
      "How dare you say her name, that bitch left me, how dare you fucking leave me Cor, you were all I had you bitch" he kept on hitting me ignoring my screams of agony I wonder where the doctors were
       "And then you bitch just left me after Cor was gone, you just used me to get closer to her didn't you" he said still kicking me by now I had lost the will to fight or scream and just let him use me like a rag doll, now that I think about it, it was the opposite maybe I deserved this for using her to get close to her brother always coming by there house looking for Cor when I really wanted to see Seth, I hope Cor thought this was punishment enough and forgiving me
         "You bitch you're not even fighting are you enjoying this, do you enjoy pain that much after all you let Julio do this to you for years maybe it turns you on, if you'll be happy with the pain we can do this all day and live together happily forever I'll beat you up as much as you want even cut you if you want I'll do anything for you, anything to make you happy, will this make you happy" he kept on going and I let the tears slip he was really losing his grip on his sanity and fast and I was not helping I felt my conciousness begin to slip for the second time that day as I looked into the eyes of my best friend who had a crazy smile on his face while beating me to death wondering if he'll suceed and I'll finally escape this world maybe I was losing it too but it's hard too keep it together in the midst of all this
       Just when I thought it was finally over a nurse walked in probably doing the check ups on all patients and she let out a wide eyed scream that got the attention of enough people to pull Seth off me, I saw them drag my still screaming best friend out the room before I fell again into the warm arms of the darkness

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