CH 7 : His control

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Call you mine -The Chainsmockers

        I hadn't seen Seth since last night and it seems no matter how I looked at it I couldn't find an explanation for why seth will do something like that,  well i could but it was just impossible for Seth to like me that way and not tell me like a normal person would but then again he seems far from normal recently i guess drug addiction could do that to you
      I sat up to look at the time and realeased a gasp when i realized it was already late in the evening and i hadn't left the room also it was a school day and i had missed school the school would probably call my parents not like they'll care but i didn't want anyone nagging me so I picked up my phone to call Seth,  it ringed for a couple seconds before going to his voice mail
     I laid back and wondered what he was doing, was he somewhere doing drugs and getting high, the tought of that bieng true had me sitting up in bed again worried it was like I was just understanding the fact that I was kidnapped by a drug addict I once called my best friend, who was I kidding I hadn't seen him in years and here I was foolishly holding on to the fact that he was my best friend who will never hurt me, best friend or not he was a drug addict and drug addicts are dangerous people who don't place anyone above their drugs
       This realization suddenly had me scared not only of the situation but also of Seth something I never thought possible in my life, I was living in a house with people I didn't know like I was on a christmas break with my family how foolish could I get
       I stood up from the bed and left the room to check the route Seth had brought me through luckily I had not meet anyone yet, I got to the waiting room without stress but as I got to the door I realized there was no handle of any kind  on the door and I had no idea how Seth opened it when he brought me here and that meant I had no idea how to leave, I started pushing and tapping everywhere in sight but nothing happened, after what felt like forever I stopped and went to explore in case there was another escepe route anywhere
       I noticed that no one was home, I wonder where they were maybe they were out with Seth getting high,  the thought just made more fearful towards them ecspecially Seth who I no longer knew
      I explored for a while but I couldnt go into most rooms because like the front door they had no handle, it then occured to me that Seth's room had no door also but always opened whenever I got near this only futher proved me gut feeling that I couldn't leave here without Seth or one of the other guys,  I even tried the windows but they were all baricaded leaving me no choice but to go back to Seth's room to wait for his return
      I heard the door opened and tensed up, I hadn't realized how much my realization had changed my view of Seth I was suddenly so scared of him
     The room door opened and Seth came in, he didn't seem to be high but rather he was calm but even in the state he still made me nervous and jumpy
      "Hey where have you been" I asked with a smile
      "That should be the least of your concern now,  you seem to have come to a realization you're not as calm as yesterday" he said facing me with a smirk that seems to have replaced his bright smile I loved so much
      "Just tell me when I can go home" I tell him with a sigh, I wanted to go home even though I was the only one there and it was lonely at least I felt safe
      "Not anytime soon if ever so I advise you stop worrying about that and think about your new home which is here" he said then turned to leave the room but turned back to face me
      "Also prepare for school tomorow I don't think I can come up with another excuse for you" he said then finally left the room
     The moment the door closed behind him I let out a breathe I didn't even know I was holding
     I wonder what excuse he gave them at school and how he expects me to prepare for school when I had none of my things with me
     I stood up and walked into his closet only to be surprised at it's size not only was it big it also had female clothes lined at one side of the closet , it seemed he was prepared for me
        (PS : I'm not gonna make my character one of those dumb girls that say things like 'I wonder how many girls he's had over to have so much clothes or his girlfriend must sleep over often just no)
        So my kidnap wasn't an 'in the heat of moment action' like I thought, that thought just scared me a lot more
       I walked further into the closet and decided to try on something so I picked a white long sleeved top and a black jean trouser with and tried it on looking in the full lenght mirror, I noticed how big the top was almost as if it was designed to hide my curves even the jeans weren't tight but not too free either,  I checked through the clothes, at least as many as I could and realized they were all the same as the first
      "Maybe they're for someone else" I tried to convince my self before another thing occured to me, Seth had complete control over me, what I eat, what I wear,  where I go and god knows what else and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it, I could call the cops but I knew I'll never be able to do that to Seth or his family,  besides he probably has control over who I call
        I finally picked out a purple hoodie and a white jean trouser for the next day, unsuprisingly my school suplies were there too so I got everything ready for the next day
       I hope I'll be able to get away from him tomorow at school, I was getting desperate and he was starting to notice who knew how possesive he could get next thing you know I'm locked up in a tower letting down my hair for him to come up
     I left the room and went down the stairs and they were all sitting there doing their own thing, the sight of them together sent a shiver down my spine
    I was really terrified of them and somehow it seemed they knew

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