CH11 : His abuse

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My demons

I woke up to the beeping sound again but this time I felt more like crap than the last time as I cracked my eyes open I groaned and shut back why was the world so damn bright
"Hey you got to try slower this time" I heard a voice I assumed was the doctor and took the advice taking my time to let my eyes adjust to the light
Imagine my surprise when I saw Mr Taylors the schools supposedly hottest teacher looking down at me with a warm smile
"How are you doing, you got me scared for a minute there" he said
"What are you doing here" I asked still confused as to why a teacher from school who is not my homeroom teacher was by my hospital bed
"Ouch, well my brother owns this hospital and I kind if owe your brother my life, don't ask, so I couldn't just leave you here" he said making me even more confused but right now I only had one thing on my mind
"Seth, where is he" I asked looking around in panic
"Oh right he's fine, about that my brother also owns a psychiatric ward somewhere far away from here, well not that far and Seth and his friends were transfered there under the permission of Seth's mother but my brother says he'll want you to join them there just to make sure you're okay don't worry you won't be put behind white walls or anything he just wants to study you to ensure your mental health" he told mevonly further increasing my panic
"Wait she put him in a ward I thought his father was against it won't he flip out or something" I said getting into another panic attack
"Calm down this is a confidential psycho ward it doesn't even exist as far as the world us concerned, there are a few out there and my brother is just managing this branch, it is for people involved in traumatic events the goverment doesn't want to make public or rich and important people who don't want their condition or that of family members to go public so it's completely save and cut off from the world in fact there were only ten kids about your age there and they'll be leaving soon so you ten will have the whole place to yourselfs and don't worry about missing school I'll teach you just like I did for those kids I say you take it up better save than sorry" he said with a small smile
"Yeah sure" I said just wanting to be close to Seth, is this what they call stockholm syndrome
"Okay then I'll let them know you're joining us rest easy you'll be transfered once you healed up" he said leaving me to my thought which was a really bad idea, I could hear them now, my demons
It had been weeks since the incident with Seth and I was slowly making recovery, Mr Taylors or Rick as he insisted I call him came to visit sometimes and Rose dropped by once but that was all the visiting I got
My brother called a few times and apologized for not bieng with me but I understood its not like he could take a trip from London to visit his sick sister also I didn't tell jim the details just told him I slipped and fell down a couple stairs
It was finally the day I left for Livingstone psychiatric ward and I was nervous to see Seth again, did he even fell remorse for putting me in the hospital for days or was he still pissed at me
I walked down to the car Rick was standing beside and got in as he held the door open for, I was still a little sore but well enough to leave the hospital
We drove through the city of Miami for some minutes then came to stop in front of a tall iron gate in the middle of nowhere literarily
Rick put in some kind of requirements and I was suddenly regretting my action what if this was just like Seth's house over again
I suddenly started to panic, fidgetting, it felt the car was suddenly smaller as if everything was trying to choke me
Was this a panic attack I thought as I started hyperventilating grabbing unto the door handle frantically trying to get out overlooking the fact that the car was still moving
I was suddenly jerked forward and slammed back into the seat by the belt as the care came to an abrupt stop
This successfully pulled me out of panic and I looked up at Rick who had his arm on my shoulder asking if I was okay
"Y..Ye..ah I'm f..fine just panicked a little there" I said forcing a small smile, he studied me for sometime before letting me go and continuing the long drive that involved more checkpoints which only further increased my anxiety
We finally got to a white modern looking mansion
"We're here, you ready" Rick asks me to which I nodded taking a deep breath before I got out of the car and walked with Rick up the stairs to the door
He rang the door bell and we didn't have to wait long before the door was pulled open by a young lady who seemed to be in her mid twenties like Rick
She had long blond hair pulled up in a bun and her big brown eyes peeked up at us from behind her big round glasses
Clad in a black jean trouser and white shirt with a spotless labcoat on and a notepad in her hand it was obvious she was a medical personal
This only further proved this was a place for the sick only they were sick in the head, Seth was sick in the head
"Hi I'm Layla Sunders welcome to Livingstone psychiatric hospital we've bern expecting you Miss Michealson" she said with a warn smile opening the door wider to let us in
"Thank you" I said with a small smile walking into what looked like a living area thought it was as deserted as it was big
"Please follow me Mr Taylors has been awaiting your arrival" she said reminded me that Rick's brother owned this place
We followed obediently and came to stop in front of black double doors, heck how big was this place my father's a billioniare and I'm still impressed
"This is as far as we go he's at the other side of the door, goodluck" Rick said dismisding himself to walk off God knows where leaving me with my sweaty palms
I slowly brought my hand up to knock still fidgetting, I wonder when I got soo jumpy
"Come in" I heard a voice call me, I braced myself and pushed open one of the heavy double doors

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