CH8 : His psycho side

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Monster - Skillet

       Pink looked up as I  walked into the living room and waved me over, to be honest she seemed to be the most sane and friendly one amongst them and I felt closest to her
     I walked over and sat by her on the bar stool responding to the subtle greetings I got from the others who seemed to be minding their own lifes well except Aiden who opted for sitting at my other side
     "Hey why weren't you at school today" Aiden asked the moment my butt hit the chair
     "I had no idea when you guys left but I'll be there tomorrow" I said with a small smile
       "So have you seen Seth" pink asked going around the bar to make a drink
       "Yenh he just stopped by his room to talk but then he left" I said
        She just nodded while mixing something that looked like a cocktail and turned to a suprisignly quiet Aiden
        "What's going on in that big head of yours you're awfully quiet which is unusual" she said placing the drink in front of me
        "Drink up" she said turning back to make another drink still casting glances at the queit boy beside me, i looked down at tge drink in front of me and this had me a bit worried my realization had made a lit more suspicious and cautious but denying the drink could spell more trouble than accepting it they were after all my kidnappers, besides I was sure she didn't slip anything into the drink, then again you can never be too sure
      Nevertheless I picks up the cup and quietly sipped wanting mold into the background of their conversations
      After the drink I stood up and told them I was tired and heading off to sleep and said my goodnights
     I walked lazily up the steps and to my surprise Seth was on the bed with some substance and a needle and other stuff I couldn't see, the needle was positioned at his vein ready to pierce I was too shocked to move I knew he was a drug addict but seeing him actually use the drugs was a different level for me, I guess I had been living in denial ever since I found out but I couldn't anymore not after this
     "Seth?" I quietly called out in other  not to startle him and when he faced me the lost look in his eyes told me this wasn't his first shot
      "Hey cherry you want one?" He asked smilling up at me, I had wanted to see his smile for a long time but not like this, I fell to my knees as hot tears ran down my cheek
        He looked at me in confusion with a pout I would have called cute under different circumstances but right now all I felt was pity and self-hate
        Why did it have to be him, why my best friend of all people in the world, he looked a mess
        He stood up slightly stumbling which brought a chuckle from his lips as he made his way over to me it was obvious he wasn't completely high yet
       He got to his knees in front of me causing me to stumble backwards and scurry away from him, I was scared at this point, of him and the chemical in his system that now seems to control him
       I realize that if he could treat me the way he does when sober he could probably do far worse when high
      "You always seem so scared of me,  I wonder where the sweet little girl that always ran to me went,  now it seems you're always running from me" he said looking sad but I knew it was a farce, if anyone has changed its him
      "Is it cause of the drugs, its just a little heroin that's all, its harmless I swear you'll see if you try it" he said looking serious, does he really believe that or is it just the heroin talking, its got to be the later no sane human can seriously say what I just heard and mean it
        "Seriously don't be a prude, trust me you'll love it if you try it, you'll never want to let it go and the funny part is it never leaves you either, its always there even when everyone leaves as far as you got money you got heroin, its the only true happiness you can ever buy" he continued coming closer to me with the needle in his hand and his eyes looked so crazed I scrambled further away until I felt the cold coated concrete behind me pressing into my back
        He looked utterly pleased with our position seeing as I couldn't run from him again the tears came back full force running down my face at a fast bace as he took hold of my hand and started searching for a vein
      "Seth please stop, I beg you please don't do this to me, somebody help me" I screamed at the top of my lungs but then I remembered the sound proof room and even if they could hear me I wasn't sure any of the people downstairs will help me against Seth in a situation like this they call me his pet for fucks sake
        "Come on Nico I saw you looking sad, I know how much you want to escape the reality that your parents don't give two shits about you, you know I love you Nico and I want you to be happy that's why I'm doing this, don't worry I'll buy all the happiness for two of us I have the money right my dad will give me anything to shut me up, when you try it you'll see what I mean, others might think we are just a bunch of crazy drug addicted teenagers but as far as we understand and have eachother we'll be okay, I mean we might even die young as they say but we'll die happy together..." He kept on mumbling insane bullshit that just had me scared, I finally got myself together and remembered something I learned in self defense, I quickly brought my hand up to cup his cheek in an affectionate manner which made him pause in his actions as he was about to inject the needle into the vein he eventually found and look at me
      "You eventually get it, I knew you would understand, finally we get to be happy together" he said with a smile that broke my heart, I traced my fingers down to the curve of his neck and then looking into his eyes I pinched a nerve and eyes rolling into the back of his head he fainted leaving me to my tears
      I dragged all the way to the bed laying him down with much effort and too scared to sleep with him I went over to lay on the couch on the other side of the room still in tears I came to the conclusion that I couldn't help Seth he needed help and he needed it quick not just for rehabilitation but he also needed to see a psychiatrist he was slowly losing his grip on his sanity abd the drugs were probably just acting as catalysts if he didn't get professional help soon he might be lost beyond the reach of redemption and then I couldn't even bear the thought of what might happen to him

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