40. The Vow🦋

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I fluttered my eyes open and blinked several times to adjust my eyes with the light. As always happens, when you fell asleep in a new place and when you woke up, you didn't know where you were or what time it was. I slowly got up from my sleeping position and stretched out my arms drowsily. I ran my fingers through my messed-up hair and looked around lazily. Ron was standing near the seashore and talking on his phone in a low tone. When he looked at me, he cut his call and walked towards me.

"Good morning." He smiled at me brightly.

"We shouldn't spend the night here," I told him groggily as I climbed out the bed unwillingly. "What if some wild animal attacked us!"

"There are no big wild animals on this island." Ron chuckled delightedly. "This island is too small for any big animal to live. Yeah, maybe some little wild animals, some insects and maybe some reptiles..."

"Reptiles!" I jumped on the bed again.

"Don't worry." Ron laughed. "They won't attack you."

"Doesn't matter." I scowled at him grimly. "I hate them!"

"Yeah, I know." Ron was still laughing.

"How do you know?" I squinted my eyes at him.

Ron suddenly stopped laughing. He stared at me with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"I...mean...it....was...common...with....most...of...the...people." He cleared his dry throat carefully. "Only a few people like them."

"So true!" I instantly agreed with him.

My stomach suddenly growled loudly, and Ron started to laugh.

"Shut up!" I blushed hard.

"I am hungry too," he said thoughtfully. "We should eat some breakfast."

"Please," I said, hopping out of bed.

Our caretakers, the male one's name was Lamon and the female was named Busarakham, already arranged a delicious breakfast for us. When we reached the main house, we saw that they were waiting for us. They made dim sum for breakfast with green tea. It looked like mouth watering with so many varieties of dishes together. But I liked the chicken feet most. They taste so good. Why didn't people eat them in England?!

"Where are Ryder and Ian?" I asked as I put a small piece of pork rind in my mouth. The only thing I couldn't control was chopsticks. They were fascinating but very laborious tasks for an amateur like me.

"Do you need anything? Should I call Ian?" He asked as he picked up a dumpling carelessly with the help of chopsticks and put it in his mouth. Yeah, he could use chopsticks. There was nothing he couldn't do. Note the sarcasm.

"No, I don't need anything," I said as I shook my head. "It's just I haven't seen them since the morning till now."

"They are generous," Ron smirked slyly. "They don't want to disturb us."

I rolled my eyes.

"What are we going to do today?" I asked casually.

"There are many options." Ron looked at me as he thought hard. "Surfing, scuba diving, riding a glass-bottom boat, or we could just relax at the seashore."

"They all sound fantastic." I smiled contentedly.

"But what I am thinking of is catching some fresh lobster for our lunch." Ron grinned.

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