12. Secret?🦋

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With a loud splash I fell into the river. As soon as I resurfaced, I started to cough hard. I was sure an ass-load of water went into my breathing system. Thank god, we were close to the bank so the water level only reached just below my chin.

"Ron, you dumb idiot!" I shouted furiously and blew my nose as I tried to withdraw some water from my respiratory system. I felt like my lungs were filled with water.

"You had it coming." Ron shrugged and smirked. He pushed his soaked hair back, out of his face and wiped his face off.

"It wasn't my fault that you were clumsy!" I glared at him as I splashed some water at him while fuming with anger. I didn't like to get wet.

"But, you were laughing at me." He laughed gleefully.

"Shut up!" I said bitterly as I struggled desperately with my t-shirt because the water went under it and made it hard to keep it down. "This water is freezing," I huffed as I tried to kill him with my harsh glare. "I am going to get you back for this."

"I look forward to it." he cocked his brow, letting out a deep laugh and smilingly shook his wet head.

"We need to get out of here." I said as I tried to swim towards the bank. "And this time I won't help you out. Do it yourself." I said grimly while moving my arms in the water.

"Fine, then I won't let you out." He said wittily and suddenly lunged at me under the water.

"No, no, no wait!!" My eyes widened when he hooked his arms around my waist and pulled me under that shallow water.

"Gahh!!" I gasped. "Let me ....," I didn't have the chance to finish my sentence, and I was already under the water.

I struggled hard and succeeded to escape with difficulty from his mighty grip. When I popped out of the water, I was coughing badly.

"I will kill you," I said angrily and moved impatiently towards him. I vainly tried to force his head underwater, but he was too strong to push down.

"Time out." He took me by surprise when he grasped my waist and hoisted me up to throw again into the water. When I finally emerged from the water, he started to laugh hard.

"You are going to pay for that, Ron!" I yelled angrily and desperately tried to catch him. He quickly started to splash at me incessantly. I closed my eyes quickly to avoid the splash and moved slightly beside him. When I found an opening I lunged towards him and hastily wrapped my hands around his well built toned body tightly to seize his actions.

Ron turned his face to me quickly and faced me. A little shocked expression took over both of us as the smile slowly died on my face. Our faces were inches away from each other. I could typically hear his heart beats which were very loud and clear. Our eyes were locking onto each other for a breathless moment. Suddenly the world felt so silent. I could only hear some birds chirping and the wind blowing between those tree leaves.

Suddenly the whole situation became very awkward. I slowly and fiddly unwrapped my hands from him. I averted my eyes and wrapped myself with my hands.

"It's chilly."

"Yes, it is." Ron carefully cleared his throat as he slowly started to swim towards the bank. "We should get out of the water." He started to climb out from the water.

"Yeah." I murmured gently and climbed back right after him. He reached out his hand for me. I stared at his slender fingers for a mere second then took them for help. Neither of us said a word as we cautiously started to walk to our campsite.

I was feeling slightly embarrassed.

"That place was really beautiful." I said cutting into the silence that had filled the air. "Thanks for showing it to me."

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