7. Cheesy🦋

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"If it starts to hurt too much, don't hesitate to take some painkillers." Oli suggested it when she saw me wincing every time I touched my nose. "I am sure, it will hurt like hell."

"Uh-huh." I should take a visit at our local convenience store before heading home.

"You should visit the GP." Rose said while looking at me concerned. "Are you sure it isn't broken?"

We were all chatting at the main gate while waiting for Ron to pick Oli up. My nose was a little swollen but the bleeding stopped anyway, so I guess it was okay. I just put on a plaster that Oli gave me earlier.

"There he is." After a few minutes of waiting, Ron finally showed up with another expensive-looking car.

Did he want to match his cars with his outfit?!

He got out of his car and looked around to find us. Oli waved at him. He walked towards us with a smile on his face. I looked around to see all the girls at that moment who were present there, gawking at him, including Rose.

Maybe I would also if Rose didn't have a crush on him. You couldn't blame them. He was looking super hot with a simple white T-shirt, black stretch-cotton denim jacket with blue jeans and aviator sunglasses on.

As he came closer to us, his radiant smile slowly started to fade and his brows slowly knitted with each other. What was wrong?

"What happened to your nose?" He stared at my face with a stoic expression.

Oh yeah, my nose.

"Oh, it's nothing. A soccer ball suddenly liked my face and bumped with it," I said jokingly. "But it's alright now." I caressed my hand slowly on my nose.

"Well, I can't blame it," He murmured with a smirk on his face.

"E.X.C.U.S.E.M.E!!" I squirted my eyes to him. "I meant that the ball liked my face, because I am too beautiful to ignore."

"That's what I said." Ron grinned and tucked his hands in his pockets.

"No, you didn't." I gave him a suspicious glare.

"If you guys are finished, can we go home now?" Oli butt in with an annoyed voice.

"Sure, let's go." We walked towards the car and Ron unlocked the car door for Oli. He then went to the driver's seat and got in. "Ok, guys see you later." Ron looked at us from the window and waved his hand.

"Yeah, see you later Ron." Rose waved back at him, while smiling merrily like a love struck idiot.

After Oli took off with Ron, we headed to Rose's car.

"Today, I asked my dad for a car." I told her, while putting on my seat belt. "And, he said yes. He already started looking for cars."

"Wow! Good for you," She said happily. "What brand are you preferring?" I chuckled. She looked more excited than me.

"I am fine with anything." I gave her the same answer I gave my dad. "As long as I can drive it comfortably." I winked slyly at her.

"I have some contacts, which might be useful for you." She took out his phone and gave me contacts of some used car sellers, whom she knew.

"Thanks." I smiled. "I will sure, check them up."

When I reached home, to my surprise everyone was already at home. Maybe, because it was Friday. It was still early so mom hadn't cooked yet. After freshening up I came downstairs to help mom with cooking. Yeah, I could cook a few dishes. Surprise!

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