19. Nice To Meet You🦋

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"Hey, what do you mean, 'because of you'?" I protested strongly. "What did I do?"

He stared deeply at me for a few seconds. Then a ghost of a smile slowly started to form the corner of his lips, then it spread to his eyes. He started to laugh, revealing perfect white teeth. I was standing awkwardly while looking at him dumbfounded and confused as fuck. His eyes were alight with some wicked thoughts.

"Oh god!" His laugh slowly started to dry, and he fixed his composed look.

"I was teasing you. Your shocked expression is really entertaining!" He smirked and looked at me with amused eyes. I rolled my eyes.

"Ha ha ha, very funny." I laughed sarcastically.

"I was so puzzled." I huffed and pulled one of the chairs in front of his desk. I placed my backpack on his huge desk and flopped on the chair. Ron shook his head and leisurely walked toward his luxurious leather chair and sunk on it gracefully.

I took a good look in his office room. There were lots of amazing paintings decorated on the wall, some of them I think a series or something like that. Other than that desk, couch and paintings, everything was so clean and white. A white almost invisible door was on the left side of the room, maybe it was the attached bathroom, and from the floor-to-ceiling windows, I could see the London Eye on my left side and the Tower of London on the right side across the Thames river.

When I looked back at him, he was watching me attentively with glinted eyes filled with pure amusement, one hand relaxed in his lap and the other was cupping his sculptured chin and trailing his long index finger across his lips. I assumed he was trying to suppress a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. How long are you gonna laugh." I puffed out my cheeks in annoyance.

"If you are going to be like this jerk, I won't tell you why I came here." I grinned at him cheekily.

He chuckled softly as he tilted his head to one side. "Ok, sorry. Please forgive my offensive behaviour."

I raised my eyebrows with amusement. That humble apology was too exaggerated.

"Fine, I will forgive you." I smiled at him slyly. "Tell me who is that person you were talking about?"

He bit his lower lip and stared at me softly for a few seconds. "I was just buffing in front of her."

"No way." I looked at him suspiciously. "You were just fucking with her."

"Yes." He grinned mischievously.

"Hah," I let out a small laugh as I leaned back on the chair while looking in disbelief. "You cheeky...."

He laughed gaily and picked his land phone speaker from the desk. "Would you like something to drink?" he held the speaker to his mouth.

"Nah, I won't take much of your time." I gently waved my hand to make him stop. He hesitated a little.

"I am serious." I gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled and put down the handset on the base. "I came here to invite you to my dad's birthday party, on 31st October." I informed him.

"Your dad's birthday is on Halloween!" He tried to look surprised...but I didn't know why he didn't feel surprised at all. .

"Yeah, I know, very ironic." I laughed merrily. "But if you already have plans for Halloween, it's alr...."

"I am free." He cut me off. "I would like to wish your dad a happy birthday."

"Well, that's great." I smiled. "I will send you my address. Or you can bring Oli with you. She knows my address perfectly." I got up from my seat and slung my backpack over my shoulder.

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