12. Day Seven

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Lopez and Quincy are walking through the park. The past week they haven't had any time together. So, today was their day off.

"Where do you think our honeymoon should be?" Quincy thinks aloud. Lopez held her hand with a tough grip. Not wanting to let it go.

"As long as it's with you, I don't care where our honeymoon is," Lopez shrugs. "As long as it's not Detroit." Quincy guffaws. She sighs and leans her head on Lopez's shoulder.

"Do you think," she starts, "since we're finally officially adults. We're gonna change?"

"Of course," Lopez answers honesty. He kisses Quincy's forehead. Gently loosens his grip on her hand. "Why? Does that scare you?" He feels a nod from Quincy.

"Maybe just a little bit," she whispers.

Raven and Prius sat in Raven's motel room. Playing chess, the most quiet game to be invented. "Check," Raven murmurs. Prius feels heavy, she rubs her forehead. Lifts her hand to move her bishop, when she just scrambles the board. "Why'd you do that?"

"Because Raven!" Prius stammered. "It's been three days since you've found out who Malcolm loves." Raven shakes.

"I don't wanna talk about this."

"Yes you do! I know. I'm your best friend, I sense these things!" Prius hates when people bottle up things inside, it's not right! She used to do it, all the time.

"Prius!" Raven slams back. "Just stop," she's now sulking. "Everlife's probably right."

"Everlife? You mean that idiotic psycho!" Prius was now raging over what Raven's saying.

"It's psychic Prius. And I'm positive she's right, Masslie's soulmate's someone she's known for a long time. It's Malcolm."

"Stop listening to psychos," Prius grunts. She sucks the inside of her lip. Annoyed.

"Psychic, Prius," Raven corrects her. "And just because you don't believe in love doesn't mean I don't have to. You can go fool around with whoever and all these celebrities, but I actually wanna settle down."

Prius snickers, she sucks on her teeth then replies, "what you're not getting though Raven, is that the love you want isn't gonna happen. You want Brad and Angelina love. What you get though is Brad and Jennifer." Raven shutters at that, now anger's flowing through her. She strides to her door and opens it.

"Prius," she stumbles. "You may be my best friend, but you are not allowed to talk to me like that. And you don't make my decisions. I do!" Tears now streaming down Raven's cheeks. Prius shrugs and walks out the motel.

"Just trying to help," she mutters.

Alosa and Masslie were having milkshakes. "You okay?" Alosa wonders. Masslie looks up at her.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" Masslie looks tense. She takes another sip of her milkshake. Alosa shakes her head.

"Just asking."

Masslie pushes and plays with her straw. Like she was thinking. Finally she speaks. "Alosa? Remember when we went to that psychic?" Alosa's head nods. "Who do you think she means? When she said I've known the guy for a while now?"

"Who knows? Who cares," Alosa sips her milkshake. "Psychics are never right anyways. Don't let it get to you." Masslie soaks in every word. "I mean, if psychics were actual then I suggest she meant Malcolm." Shake, trembling now, Masslie starts to shutter.

Fiona was alone, she didn't wanna hang out with anyone today. Today is her "me day". A day she hasn't had in three years.

She flashed her New York smile to everyone at the mall. Walking around with a five hundred dollar purse, leathered heels, Bluetooth. "Margo! Mommy's finally back on the line," she sang. So, Fiona just wanted freetime, to have work time. What a shocker. "No. No. Ugh, cream for the colour of the month! Month of what? Plain and no style." Uh yes, Fiona was back to her rightful place in the universe. "Oh fine. Tell everyone I'll be back in a week. No later." And hang up she did.

Twenty Candles (Part of the Tx3U Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now