23. - And After Those Two Weeks -

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“If you want to kiss me. You know you can,” he smolders.

            Surprised by that statement, she bites her lip, “why do you say that?”

            “Because, your eyes have been looking me up and down the past ten minutes.”

            “We’re having coffee together!”

            “Your eyes don’t have to be glued on me, though,” he chuckles.

            “Well you could’ve told me that!” abruptly she begins to gaze her eyes all around the room, until he places his hand atop hers, which is resting gently on the wooden rounded table.

            “Masslie,” he gently lets slide off his tongue. Masslie gulps, her past was such a mistake, what if something wrong happens? “I know you like me.”

            “Well, yeah, I accepted your asking me out,” Masslie raises an eyebrow, but he could tell she’s sweating.

            “That could’ve been out of pure generosity. But, it wasn’t, you like me. And. You know I like you. I have ever since we met, since you stepped foot in the coffee shop that first time.”


            “You know you’re childish, right?” he interrupts her, with a laugh and a statement.

            Masslie squints her eyes and glares at him, “you’re the one who likes me.”

            “And I don’t regret it.”

 Beginning to feel the urge to lay one solid kiss on him, she bites her lip tensely and her leg begins to shake.

“Go for it,” he says, as if he read her mind. “Kiss me. I dare you?”

She swallows, “what if it ruins everything?”

“Ever done something you’ve regretted but liked?”

Masslie sighs, looking back, “you really want me to kiss you…”

“Actually, you’re the one who seems to be tempted,” he implies, “but, to answer your question. I’ve been wanting you to since we met.”

Masslie grins at that, she calms down immensely, and leans in a little closer to him. “We met eight months ago. Isn’t such a long time, really.”

“Gonna make me beg?” he smiles his gorgeous smile.

            She can’t resist any longer. Masslie clutches onto Blake’s collar pulling him closer, fits her lips perfectly with his and kisses him. Like she means it. 



            Alosa stares at the large glass windows from floor to ceiling building right in front of her, she grips hold of her bag and can barely move. For the next four or so years, she will be schooling inside this building on her own. It wouldn’t be so hard and scary for her if she had some friends by her side, but all the ones who live in Seattle have moved on with their lives with their own obstacles, and now never have time to help Alosa with hers, which has made Alosa have to be more independent, which is something she’s definitely not good at.

            You can get through this, Losa, it’s your first day, you’ll be fine, you’ll be fine. She keeps telling herself over and over again in her head, but then, there’s always that other voice inside her killing it. You’re gonna hate it here, everyone’s gonna look at you like you’re dumb, a bimbo. Nothing. Dumb brunette, dumb brunette! And all of a sudden, the building now looks like a haunted house. Alosa freaks out and receives a small panic attack and hit of anxiety. Immediately turning around to run away from the school, she crashes into another student making both her and the student release their bags and equipment on the ground.

Twenty Candles (Part of the Tx3U Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now