16. Day Nine

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"How many pushups can you do?" Prius inquires Jacen.

"Like fifty a minute?" Jacen brags. He flexes his shoulders and smiles.

"Nice, Jacen." Prius walks closer to him and touches his bicep. "Are these real?" Prius gasps.

"Why wouldn't they be?" Jacen laughed.

"You got ripped," Prius goes a little bit closer until their noses are touching. "Were you buffing up for someone special?"

"I don't know," Jacen's breath blew gently onto Prius. "Was I?" And slowly their lips met, for another time.

Malcolm again roams the mall, not paying attention to where he's walking, he stubs his toe on a wooden bench. As he lets out a screech and takes hold of his foot, he notices someone walking a few yards up ahead pass him.

For a better view of the person, he squints his eyes and realises it's Masslie!

He makes a quick recover and begins to slowly follow Masslie to her destination.

Watching her every move, Malcolm sees as Masslie walks into a place. Familiar to her it seems. That's when Malcolm gasps. It's the psychic joint the girls told him and Lopez about.

He tip toes over and slips inside the place. Before Masslie can see him, he hides behind a wall, and only slightly tilts his head over to watch her.

"Everlife, do you remember me?" Masslie asks.

"Of course I do. I am psychic, I remember everything zi see," Everlife answers in her accent. "So what brings you back to my home?"

"What you said, last week. It kinda freaked me out," Masslie admits. Malcolm held his breath, what did Everlife say again?

"Zat your soulmate, the one who makes you happy is someone you have known for a long time now?"

"Bingo. That's it," Masslie sighs. Malcolm swallowed, the psychic said that. It's him. He cringes, he can't listen to more, but he forces himself to stay. "Anyway, I was wondering if you could tell me more of who it is, or. If I could change it?" Malcolm feels a chill crawl up his spine. Why would Masslie wanna change her soulmate?

"Sadly. I am just a psychic," Everlife says. "I can tell de future, but I cannot change ze future. Luckily zo, I may be able to tell you more about him."

"That's good enough," Masslie smiles. "Thank you. If my friends were here they'd all think I'm crazy."

"Zis is not true," Everlife insists. "You have one friend zat you know who would be alright with this."

"Really?" Masslie raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. He'd first think it funny but understand why you'd come to psychic. And, he is the same guy that is your soulmate."

"Who is he?" Masslie demanded.

"Dat is not clear, the closest I know of him is that you've known for a while now, and zat he appreciates you for who you are." Masslie begins to sweat. Everlife takes Masslie's hands and holds them in hers.

"Listen, stop trying to fight it," Everlife requests. "Let things happen, the way they're suppose to." "I do not see why you seem to wanna hide from this young man, he sounds like a delightful man. And a best friend."

Masslie tingles, her blood thickens. "I'm afraid of the last part," she whispers to herself.

Malcolm listens as Masslie tells Everlife goodbye, abruptly he races to hide behind the wall. And watches as Masslie leaves the joint without even turning her head.

Twenty Candles (Part of the Tx3U Trilogy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ