8. Day Four

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"We did the right thing, right?" Quincy sounded worried.

"What?" Lopez was wrapping her in his arms. They were still in bed, just woke up from yesterday.

"Telling them about the engagement." Lopez took a deep breath and opened his eyes completely.

"Of course. Don't worry Quincy," he reassures and gives her a kiss to prove everything is alright. "I'm completely pooped from yesterday though."

"Yeah, well prepare yourself. It's Masslie's birthday today!" Quincy reminds him. Lopez begins to whine, weep and whimper.

Prius sat down in a motel room with Raven. This is where Raven was staying. "I am not. I will not!" she screeched. Prius patted Raven's back and tried to calm her down. "He's in love! With who? Malcolm Cages doesn't know the meaning of love!"

"And apparently you don't know the meaning of quiet," Prius mumbled. "Why do you care so much, anyway?"

Raven sat up, she wiped her eyes dry. "Can I tell you something?"

"Always!" Prius answers. Raven cools down, then tells Prius about the night she and Malcolm had after his birthday.

Prius's jaw dropped, "No fricking way?" Raven nodded, it was true, the entire thing. It is quite unbelievable though.

"So what?" Prius crosses her arms. "I don't really care if you spent the night or something! You are not missing Masslie's birthday because of Malcolm!" Prius pushes Raven on her feet and forces her to get fixed up for the day.

Before the day even started, while everyone was still waking up and getting ready. Malcolm and Masslie were at Fabio's Cafe. Getting answers hopefully.

"Why are we here so early?" Masslie gulps.

"Sorry," Malcolm apologises. Masslie responds with an odd and confused look.

"For what?" you could hear the terror in her voice. Will this birthday be a good one?

"For putting pressure on you," Malcolm explains. "Yesterday. I shouldn't of said what I did."

"You mean during spin the bottle!" Masslie demands. "That didn't bother me."

"It didn't?"

"Yeah! As long as it's not me, I'm happy for you! Loving someone!" Malcolm faces down, speechless, what was there to say? Masslie could read his facial expression, she starts to freeze. "Oh no. You. Love me?" Malcolm has no reply, instead he gets up and rolls his eyes.

"Definitely not!" he says forcefully. Trying hard not to reveal his expression. "No worries. Have a good birthday Mase! Bye." He strides out of the cafe. Masslie feels hurt, but not heartbroken.

Masslie sits in the cafe a little longer. Twirling a strand of her hair, feeling confused. Malcolm loves her. She knows it. They've been the longest friends from the group, Malcolm and Masslie have been friends since middle school. "He. Lo-" she couldn't even slip it off her tongue.

Masslie hears a knock on the window. She turns her head to see Alosa, smiling and waving. Alosa walks in the cafe and sits down across Masslie. "Whatcha doing out so early?"

"Nothing," Masslie sighs. She bites her nails then looks at Alosa. "Alosa? If you knew someone for a long time and they said they loved you, but you didn't feel the same, what would you do?"

Alosa shrugs her shoulders, "not sure. Maybe tell him what I think, and swear we can still be friends." Masslie nods, listening to Alosa's advice.

"Don't worry, nothing like that will ever happen in this little gang!" Alosa sounded so sure. Masslie wasn't ready for this birthday. "Oh. And happy twentieth birthday! You're officially an adult. Waiter! This girl needs a double fudge chocolate milkshake! Stat!" Alosa orders for Masslie. You could see a smile peaking out of Masslie, Alosa makes everyday a better one.

"I cannot take another bubble tea!" Quincy quivered. Everyone was now at Hong Kong Heaven in the mall. Celebrating Masslie's twentieth birthday.

"Are you kidding me!" Prius chuckles. She orders another raspberry blend bubble tea. "This flavour tastes like Antonio Welsh's house!" Prius chimed, and right after that everyone was ordering a Raspberry Blend bubble tea.

"How come Malcolm hasn't shown up?" Fiona inquires. As soon as Masslie heard Malcolm's name she shivered. Still coping with the thought, he loves her. Raven, on the other hand, wasn't sure about the love thing. Malcolm Cages has never shown any real affection in his lifetime.

"I'll text him. See what's up," Raven offers. No one minds, well, maybe Masslie did a little. Raven texts Malcolm. No reply. "Guys. I gotta go. I'll be back in time for bowling!" Raven waves them off and starts to leave, Prius feels like it's for something fishy.

Malcolm was in his hotel room. The room he'd stay in for another few days. He hears a knock on the door and checks through the peephole. It's Raven.

Malcolm opens the door, Raven comes storming. "Why the hell aren't you at Masslie's party?" she demands. Malcolm shrugs his shoulders, he has no clue, is he avoiding Masslie? "Is it me?" Raven wonders. Malcolm does a slight chuckle.

"Why would it be your fault?" he questions. Raven shakes her head and starts to panic.

"Because the love thing!" she calls. She slaps her mouth shut. Her eyes watering. Malcolm walks up to Raven and gives her a hug. "Do you love me, Malcolm?" she manages to ask. There was a loud sigh. Malcolm answers with a "I don't know."

Raven releases out of Malcolm's arms. "This was a mistake. Coming here." Malcolm could see the pain Raven had, but he couldn't help it. "Malcolm. Answer me! We've been through enough, I've been through enough!" Raven was now shouting. You could tell she might fear the answer.

She was right. Malcolm has to tell her, it would be wrong if he didn't. They have been through a lot, but the problem is. Malcolm really has no clue. So, he just repeats what slips off his tongue. "Masslie." Silence.

Twenty Candles (Part of the Tx3U Trilogy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang