Chapter 12

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Elliott pov

I look at the board with a blank face I can't think about anything everybody noticed Alex tried to talk to me but I snapped at him I feel bad I never feel bad but I saw the hurt in his eyes and I knew I fucked up like I do every time

It's been a week since mom is in hospital I haven't visited her I can't see her like this I need my mother but now I lost hope dad is broken I haven't seen him either I know he stays with mom

Me I'm drinking whole night looking pathetic and coming to school I feel empty if mom dies everything will be gone she will take everything with her especially me I will be like a shell

I heard the ring and students walk out the class I walk towards my car and lit a cigarette suddenly someone snatched away angrily I turn and saw Alex looking angry I never saw him like this and that scares me he has this black aura around him but I didn't show him that I'm scared

" what the fuck dude," I said running my fingers through my hair he pushed me against my car " what's wrong with you Smoking, everything has a limit that's enough that shit will kill you and why are you looking like this, talk to me," he said getting closer I shut my eyes and sigh

Opening my eyes again I saw him looking at me with sad eyes I know he knows something is wrong, I want to tell him I don't know why he makes me feel that I can trust him

" I'm here for you Elliott, talk to me with drinking and smoking you can't hide your feelings and problems you have to face it what's bothering you," he said touching my cheek I leaned against his palm

I don't want to think about anything right now that his gay and I hate him I just want someone to be with me I look up and saw him smiling at me I don't see him smiling but now he's smiling at me I don't deserve this, his beautiful smile and the care I shook my head and moved away from his touch

He held my arm and turned me " Elliott just fucking tell me goddamnit why are you doing this tell me now " he yelled at my face I felt tears well up and I blinked away he noticed

" what do you want me to fucking tell you it's none of your business who are you, huh to ask me no one we are not even friends " I snap at me I saw emotions on his face I'm regretting what I just said but I had to

I sat in my car and drive away I look under my seat and found my bottle of vodka opening it I took a sip after a sip I feel good the pain is gone I laugh like a crazy man suddenly my phone rang I look at the screen and saw my dads name

" hallo," I said probably I don't want him to know his only son is a pathetic bitch who can't Handel the pain

" your mother," he said then stopped " what happened, " I ask " she's taking her last breathes and she wants to see you," dad said crying

I didn't say goodbye and hung up I started driving towards the hospital I don't know what to do or think I'm drunk and I'm gonna meet my mom like this, I hate myself I don't deserve them I'm useless

Parking my car I run towards her room holding my hand on the wall I opened the door and saw my dad kissing her hands as he stood up and put his hand on my shoulder " take care of yourself son I love you " he said and walk out crying I don't know what to say why I feel like this was a goodbye but it isn't right?

I stood beside my mom she open her eyes, her breathing slowed and but she smiled she held her shaky hand up I took it and placed on my cheek don't cry I'm not gonna cry I smile at her

" Mommy I love you," I said her smile faded and I heard the monitor Beeping her hand fell from my cheek I look at her dead eyes that were open she's not dead

" mom, mom wake up I know you're pranking me again it's not funny," I said laughing but she didn't move " ok you got me wake up please mommy you win I got pranked wake up please don't do this " I cupped her face and shook her

Someone grab my hand took me away from her " hey let me go I want my mom she's just acting she will wake up " I said to the nurse he looks at me with pity " I'm sorry she's dead " he said

" don't you dare she's not dead, mom, wake up please let them know you're not dead " I yell at her as the nurse took me out the room " mommmmm " I yell

" sir pull yourself together she's dead you can't do anything you have to understand this is life, we will all die one day it was her time and I'm sorry for your loss," he said and walk away

I pulled my phone out and called my dad he's not picking up I tried again and again but then someone picks up " dad where are you " I ask but the next words Scattered me

" I'm sorry I don't know who's phone is this but a car and a truck crashed both of the drivers are dead, I found the phone beside the black car " he said and hung up

I lost my parents my best friends are gone I'm all alone I should die too I started laughing and walk out the hospital It's dark outside I look at the sky

" what do you want from me huh? You took everything from me my innocence, my mother, my father, my happiness what do you want? didn't you got enough and you took my dad from me I didn't do anything to you I hate you, I hate you so much, your not a God I don't believe in you you ruined my life the only thing I got from you is sadness and pain your just watching me suffering after today I'm not believing in you again you took the most important people in my life from me are you happy now, of course, your " I scream on top of my lungs

I lower my head and began walking don't know where I don't have anyone to care about me anymore I'm an orphan

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