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"I don't want him to come over, mommy," McKenzie told Sema. "He acts weird."

Sema had informed both her and Kieran that Byron was going to be coming over to their house to spend some time with them. Kieran nor McKenzie were excited about the news nor were they in agreement.

"Baby, you just dont know him yet."

"I don't want to know him. I want Mr. Dave to come back. I dont like Byron."

"Hey! That's disrespectful to be calling him by his first name. That's your dad."

"He's not my dad! He's a stranger and I don't like strangers."

"Ken," Sema sighed. "You don't even want to give him a chance?"

"No, mommy. He was smiling at me funny. Who he think he is cause don't smile at me Mr. stranger," McKenzie ranted, rolling her eyes after. Sema tried so hard to hold in her laugh. McKenzie was her daughter twice over.

"Sweetie, I think he was smiling at you cause he missed you. He hasn't seen you since you were a baby."

"Well I didn't miss him cause I dont know him. Now, can we please please not see him today?" McKenzie begged, putting on a pouty face.

"Sure, Ken. Your daddy's feelings are gonna be hurt though."

"He'll be okay. Send him a card," McKenzie suggested, cheesing with her two missing teeth. Sema couldn't do anything but laugh and shake her head.

"You aint right, Ken." McKenzie giggled to herself and skipped off down the hallway.

"Kieran guess what! We don't gotta see Mr. Longhead today!" Sema heard her say.

"McKenzie, thats ugly," she warned. Sema shook her head and pulled out her phone to text Byron.

📲 Byron: Might have to resched. Theyre not feeling it today

Within minutes she got a text back.

Byron: Really? I bought new toys and everything... Come on.

📲 Byron: Sorry By they dont wanna be bothered with u right now

Byron: How am I supposed to create a bond with them when they want nothing to do with me? You're the parent Sem. Just put your foot down.

📲 Byron: I'm not gonna make them do anything they dont wanna. They're not comfortable with u right now and thats that. Maybe u shouldn't have left and u wouldn't have this problem rn. Let's start there

Byron: Are you gonna keep bringing up old shit? Stop throwing that in my face I told you what it was. I'm trying to make this right but none of yall are making this easy.

📲 Byron: Yup call me Ms. Roto Rooter. Imma keep throwing it in ur face til u stop actin like a damn victim. Miss me w that By. Don't text me back unless u speakin w sense

Sema frowned and tossed her phone on the couch next to her. She was honestly sick of Byron's bullshit. She felt like he had no right to even feel a way about the kids acting like that. He was the one who left out of the blue and was gone for seven years. Just that alone should've had him patient for them to come around as a side chick waiting on a married man to leave his wife.

Picking her phone back up, she decided to text Taia.

📲 Taia : SOS

Taia immediately called her when she got the message.

"Mrs. Save A Bitch here. What's the sitch," Taia greeted. Sema didn't even have the energy to laugh, she just sighed.

"Taia I fucked up."

One Wing | Dave EastOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora