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(I saw a comment 2-3 chapters ago about bipolar disorder not working in the way that I displayed it. I KNOW this. Bipolar disorder is serious and I take it as such. I can't reveal too much right now, but the subject will be touched on in the near future—possibly the next chapter, and maybe somewhat at the end of this one. This just a filler of some sort, but enjoy the chapter my loves. 💚)

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Things had been alright with Sema and Dave ever since they talked and fucked out all of their issues.

Sema started back taking her meds for her bipolar disorder regularly, as she felt a change coming on. Taking her anger out on people was not her usual routine, nor did she want it to become it. The only thing was that the medicine made her really drowsy. She had even skipped a couple of her shifts at the hospital because she simply could not bring herself to get ready, which is why she had stopped taking them in the first place. She hated the way they made her feel.

Dave noticed her sudden slump and began to get concerned. She had stopped making dinner altogether, he was mainly the one looking after the kids, and the only time she would come out of her room was to trudge to the kitchen to get a cold drink, which he had never seen her touch before.

Sema was usually a healthy eater—not vegan or anything, but she didn't eat many greasy, fried, or sugar-filled foods and beverages. Now, she was just taking a bag of potato chips back to bed with her, along with a rootbeer.

Dave was hunched over the stove, trying to see beyond the smoke of what he was cooking. He stirred the spoon around and brought a spoonful up through the thick cloud. Once he saw that it was fully cooked, he turned the heat all the way off. He fixed three plates, placed two on the table, and grabbed the third up to take it to Sema.

"Ayo, lil ones, come eat," his voice rang throughout the house, and within a few seconds the patter of their feet trailed into the kitchen.

"What'd you cook for us, Mr. Dave?" McKenzie asked excitedly, jumping up on a barstool.

"Yeah! That pasta was really good last night!" Kieran added, doing the same.

"I made some enchilada casserole and homemade queso," Dave told them.

"What inchada casserole?" McKenzie questioned, and he chuckled at her mispronunciation.

"You just gotta taste it and see, lil ma," he told her. "Y'all go ahead and eat. Imma go take a plate to ya muva."

Dave backed away from the table and headed down the hall to Sema's room. He gave two heavy knocks, because he knew she wouldn't be able to hear light ones, but he still didn't get a response. Twisting the knob, he made his way into the room. It was very dark and gloomy, and the only source of light was from her cellphone, which was lighting up either from a missed call or a text message.

Using his shoulder, Dave brushed up against the switch, which cut the light on. Sema was still sleeping soundly, even with the bright light now in her face.

"Sem," Dave called out to her. After getting no reply, he called her again, and still got the same. Making his way further into the room, he walked up to the bed and shook her shoulder.

"Sema," he called again, this time making her stir in her sleep.

"Huh?" She questioned , turning and stretching.

"I fixed dinner ma ma," he told her. "Get up and eat."

"I'm not hungry," she mumbled, turning her back to Dave.

"When you eat last?" He questioned her.

"Yesterday," she told him.

"Exactly, so raise up."

Breathing out deeply, she slowly turned back over to face him.

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Dave got Sema up the next morning to go to the doctor's. They were going to see if they could get her medicine changed or something, because it wasn't healthy for Sema to be so sluggish.

"So, tell me how this medication makes you feel," the doctor urged, crossing his right leg over the left as he leaned back in his seat.

"I just...I just don't have energy. I just want to sleep," Sema explained. "I get dizzy, and sometimes it makes me nauseous too."

"Has it always been this way?"

"Yeah...ever since I can remember. I actually stopped taking it for for a while."

"And how did you feel during that period?"

"I felt normal..until recently. I've just been very angry lately, and taking it out on people around me."

"And you're associating that with your disorder? Nearly everybody goes through things like that. Have things been stressful lately?"

"Yes, very."

"Well, maybe that's why..." the doctor trailed off while flipping through some papers. "You know, Ms. Cotton, I'm looking at your file here, and it's just...some things are sketchy."

Sema eyebrows contorted into a deep frown. "Excuse me?"

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I'll update again in a few days my loves.
Happy 4th! 🇺🇸❤️💙

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