Chapter 55

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"I want that one! No I want that! That looks so cool can we go on it! Please! Pretty pretty please!" Ren exclaims running around the fair like the wild child she is.

The sound of children screaming in delight and running wild with their parents chasing after them like headless chickens is all that can be heard over the people manning the stalls advertising their food, games and rides. It is a child's dream and a paying adult's worst nightmare.

I have no idea how the three of us, Ren, Lila and me, actually managed to sneak out the pack house and go to the amusement park but we have somehow managed to do it and I have absolutely no regrets.

After fighting, a possessive mate and saving that possessive mate amongst other things such as family issues, something like a fair is a great relaxation and time away from my mate without worrying about him being kidnapped or me being kidnapped.

"I want that cotton candy!" Ren exclaims dragging us there and Lila unfortunately has to pay for everything because I'm kind of broke. I mean I had cash back home, from doing babysitting jobs and stuff to earn some money to treat myself and my parents gave me an allowance to buy my clothes and sometimes the groceries, but ny money was at home. Dylan and friends did not think to kidnap my cellphone and my purse when they kidnapped me.

I could probably go and get it back from my house by sneaking in, I'd get caught likely and I kind of don't want to go back to that place when I've left it behind. I mean I'm wearing dark sunglasses to cover my eyes to conceal my identity, in case the police have been contacted.

I couldn't have taken Dylan's card because I have no idea where it is or what the pin is and asking him would have jeopardized the mission, which is to enjoy ourselves at the fair. He wpuld not have let me come even if he was going to be accompanying me.

"Stop looking so worried, he's your mate, he won't kill you for wanting to have some fun. Live a bit," Lila laughs.

"I haven't exactly done anything like this for a few years. My parents were not exactly very keen on the whole idea of me having fun and I've been too busy being kidnapped and saving Dylan from kidnappers-"

"Sasha you are too uptight. It's time to let loose. Let out your inner child, I have a lot of cash on hand that needs spending," she says.

"But I can't-"

"Ren!" Lila shouts.

"Yes Big Sister Lily?"

"Take the Luna to the ferris wheel," Lila tells her kid sister giving her some money.

"A-aren't you going to come?" I ask Lila as Ren pulls me towards the booth.

"Can't. I prefer the ground, meaning high plus me do not mix," she says.

I soon find myself in a surprisingly short line and then onto the rickety ferris wheel. Maybe it's not a surprise why everyone is not rushing to join the ride.

"Um sir... I don't mean to bother but is this thing safe?" I ask the conductor as he straps us in with the thin material seatbelts that should maybe cross our chests as well for safety.

The trees allow me to have something to grab if I fall and I can balance, everything is in my control. This is higher than where is am comfortable in a tree and if it falls it is goodbye me.

"Of course it is," he laughs as I look uncertainly at the rusted old nails holding the thing together.

If Dylan finds me on this death trap, I am done for, forget locking me in the room, he will bar up the windows and chain me to the bed or lock me in some vault. I knew the fair was a bad idea, this ferris wheel even more so. I am doomed.

Lila has her phone out taking a video as the contraption, that will one way or the other be the death of me, begins to move, going up backwards. I cringe as the rusted metal scrapes against more rusted metal and poor little Ren is holding her ears. Seems little werewolf kids also have better hearing.

Did this thing even pass the OHSA guidelines or an ordinary inspection because I am not certain it did and if it did I'm sure that was ten to twenty years ago.

Ren is crying as we get higher and I wrap my arms around her, holding her close to me. I wish Lila could hear her but it is far and if we screamed she would hear us, not if we softly whimpered.

"Everything is going to be alright," I coo rubbing small circles on her back in an attempt to calm her.

I don't know who I am trying to convince, the terrified child or the terrified me, because I'm doing a very terrible job at convincing either.

Everyone else on here seems to be just fine and happy, not worried about anything and I think I just saw one man propose to his girlfriend. Poor girl, if he is a werewolf then she is in for something else but seeing as he is not bothered by the horrid creaking I'll say he is either rather ignorant, idiotic, trusting, not a werewolf or he is all of the afore mentioned.

"I'm scared," Ren squeaks gripping me tightly.

I look down at our seat belts and wonder why we don't have the proper metal bars, what's even worse is that the material is quite worn through and I swallow hard in fear whilst Lila on the ground is ignorant to what is going on.

"Smile!" Lila shouts up at us so that we can very faintly hear, or at least I can faintly hear, Ren heard it fine I would believe or she is shivering and shaking too much.

I watch as the young girl begins to go into some sort of panic attack, hyperventilating.

Why didn't I take that first aid course at school!? Oh right because I get squeamish with blood but it would be really helpful right now.

"A-are we going to die?" The girl asks trembling.

"No no Ren. It's just very bad quality and old parts. You can't say we're going to die if there have been no mal-"

"AHHHH!" She screams with everyone else panicking as there is suddenly a boom as there is a failure.

Oh come on does Murphy's law have to just suddenly happen! Can nothing ever just go right for me? This year has been a mess, kidnapping, then kidnapping then more kidnappings and a dead brother for some reason trying to capture me and now my cause of death may be a faulty ferris wheel!

Honestly I'm surprised that I might die this way. You'd think with all my kidnappings that that would be the way I would die.

"We're going to die!" Ren exclaims hyperventilating even more.

"Breathe sweetie breathe. It is all going to be fine. I'm sure it will be fixed soon," I tell her.

"I'm scared!" She cries.

This is definitely not good. Does trouble have to follow me everywhere I go.

The booths or carriages swing back and forth as he finally gets it fixed and we go up jerkily. This is not fixed. The carriages violently bounce and sway, forcing us to lurch forward and fall back.

I can see the same guy who recently proposed emptying out breakfast and it is not a pretty sight and for the Ren who can hear him, I guess it is not a pretty sound from how she is holding her mouth.

Being surrounded by werewolves with no other humans has made me forget how enhanced they are.

"Ren if anything happens I assure you that you won't die, you are a strong wolf," I tell her, knowing it is true.

"I'm scared," she cries out, so much for my little motivational pep talk, I hold her tighter, keeping her safe throughout the long jerky ride until we finally come to a stop and climb out.

I think poor little Ren will never climb on a ferris wheel again.

"Ren!?" Lila exclaims running to her traumatized little four year old sister.

"I want to go home!" Ren cries.

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