Chapter 5

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Dylan's POV

"Alpha we have the girl. She has multiple injuries however all of them are sustained from trying to get away. We just got back should we treat her or bring her to you?" Zack says.

"Bring her straight to me. I want to treat her myself. If she's injured she can't run from me." I say.

"I don't know about that. She ran from us when she was injured. It was likely fear but she kept moving pretty well. If she's properly trained she could actually make a good warrior." Zack says.

"As if I'd let her fight. She's your future luna and therefore must be protected. Being a warrior means battle. She could get hurt in a fight. Now bring her to me I seriously need to see her." I say.

The girl is carried into my office. Her body is tied up in vines and they close the door after sitting her on a chair.

"You!" She exclaims definitely angry.

"I see you've got more spirit now." I say.

"What do you want with me?" She asks.

"You're not ready to know." I say getting up ad walking to her and she begins to whimper.

I lean down and undo the vines and take them off her.

I get out some bandages and stuff and I lift her up and sit her on my desk.

I take some cotton pads and begin to disinfect her wounds while she whines in pain.

"You realise these injuries wouldn't be here if you'd stayed put in your room like a good girl." I say bandaging her injuries.

"I wouldn't be trying to escape if you hadn't kidnapped me." She says.

"I didn't kidnap you. I got my friends to kidnap you and you better not try escape again or next time I won't order them not hurt you and I'll let them be rough with you." I say.

"You think I want to be your captive? Cause I don't and I will get away from you." She says.

"Try your best darling you'll always fail. I run these woods." I say.

"No you don't. You know you're despicable using wolves to hunt down people. It's great that you work with wolves but they are wild animals they are supposed to be in the woods not your pets. Dogs have been tamed over centuries. Wolves are supposed to be wild." She says.

"So you're an animal lover?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Is it that hard to tell. My favourite animals are wolves and I don't like how you think you can keep them locked up." She says.

"We keep them in the forest and let them roam free. However we just call them when we go on hunts. They are used to us we've grown up with them and they've grown up with us. We've worked together for centuries." I say.

"Well if you are as nice as you're showing yourself to be why did on earth did you kidnap me!?" She exclaims.

"Still angry over that?" I ask.

"Who wouldn't be? You're keeping me captive you could at least tell me why. I mean keeping me locked up in your mansion without a good reason, can't you tell me why, since you don't think I'm ready to know what you plan on doing with me?" She asks.

"Fine if you really want to know I took a liking to you a few days ago in the forest. You left suddenly in such a rush so I followed you and I heard you getting beaten up quite badly and since I had taken liking to you I decided to take you away from your troubles by having you kidnapped and taken here." I say leaving out a few minor details for now.

"You could have called the police." She says.

"And then I'd have to testify. I'm sorry but my group doesn't interact too often with what you consider 'normal' society. A court case would mean a lot of time taken out of running this you could say clan or group. Besides why haven't you called yet?" I ask her.

"B-because they are my parents. I don't want to end up in an orphanage or something." She says.

"And if I called the police that's what would've happened don't you think darling. I took you because I felt sorry for you and decided you'd be better off here not being beaten up and abused." I say.

"You still can't just kidnap a person. You locked me in a room without a proper explaination for doing so. Besides that I feel there is something strange going on." She says.

"Look I knew you were going to try run out of the room if it was locked. I was with you most of the time when you were unconscious so I'd be able to calm you down and explain everything to you when you woke up but you woke up during a meeting and you were so startled when I came to see you I figured you needed to be alone." I say.

"You know just because your motives were just it doesn't mean your methods are right." She says.

"You'll eventually see it the way I do now I think we should get you to bed. You must be tired after trying to outrun a pack of wolves for so long." I say lifting her up in my arms.

"I'm more exhausted and hungry than tired. Is there any food I can eat?" She asks.

"Okay. I'll get someone to make some and I'll allow you to eat at the table but on the condition that you behave." I say sternly.

"Fine." She says.

Kidnapped By My Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now