Chapter 7

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Werewolf attack.

I watch my sleeping girl my eyes wide and glued to her as she lies asleep on the table with blood dripping from her and I feel so useless unable to change back and help her yet.

After an hour I finally am able to shift back.

I quickly pick her up and take her to my office where I bandage her before taking her to my room and I put her in my bed so I can watch her as she sleeps.


My world spins and I stop as I fall on the ground in darkness a spotlight fixes on me in the monochromatic black and white world.

"H-hello. Is anybody there?" I ask calling out my body trembling.

I hear growling and I see a dark forest around me.

Crimson red blood stains my skin. The only colour in the dull world.

I feel hands. Strong cold hands grip my sides.

"Hello human." A man says after turning me and pushing me on the ground so I fall on my back.

I see his eyes. His red dangerous eyes through the dark.

His body is tall and rippling with muscle.

He is shirtless and his shorts are a bit ripped. His dirty blonde hair is scruffy.

His figure constantly shifts to and from the wolf. The werewolf that attacked me.

I whimper and tremble however frozen to the spot.

He sprints towards me in wolf form with glowing eyes, his canines bared and his jaws widen till they sink into my neck and everything goes black.

I sit up screaming as my eyes shoot open.

"Is everything alright?" A male voice asks from beside me and I turn to see Dylan lying shirtless in the bed with me and I wear different pyjamas.

I get out the bed and step back.

"Sasha." He says, his husky voice sending shivers down my spine and I internally reprimand myself.

"You slept with me." I whisper.

"I was worried about you. We went on a run in the forest and when I returned there was a wolf by your injured body. I didn't want to leave you alone so I slept with you. I did nothing to you expect sleep on an opposite side of the bed. Now are you okay? Why were you screaming." He says.

"W-werewolf. A werewolf attacked me. He had glowing red eyes in my dream. He was a man then wolf then man and finally wolf and he killed me in my dream. He attacked me. He spoke to me as a wolf. A wolf though he fought him and saved me." I sob.

"It's okay Sasha. Okay look here this is why I don't want you in the forest. In certain areas there are werewolves." He says holding me into his chest.

"I'm scared." I whimper.

"I know that's why I tried to keep you here. He knows your scent now. You cannot leave the house alone or he could come for you and kill you." He says.

I move closer into his chest.

"I'm sorry Dylan." I whisper.

"It's okay I just didn't want to scare you. However not all werewolves are bad. I know some well but I suggest you stay away from all werewolves some can be deceiving and betray your trust like people which they technically are however at the same time their wolves." He explains.

I feel as if he knows more about this than he is letting on.

"Why are you here then in an area full of werewolves?" I ask putting my hands on his chest gently as I lean in.

He remains silent.

"Your 'group' as you called it you said doesn't interact with 'normal' society. You could hear me getting abused and you live in a werewolf infested forest. If you don't give me a good reason as to why you're here I will assume you're a werewolf." I say pushing myself off him and turning my back to him while crossing my arms.

"You're smarter than I thought. That escaping with that makeshift rope was one thing but this. You are very smart. You shouldn't have gotten curious because I will now have to tell you the truth my princess." He says.

"The truth." I ask trembling not sure if I want to know.

"We're werewolves the proper term however being lycans." He says.

"Now that you know are you afraid of me?" He asks.

I nod.

"This is why I wanted to wait till you trusted me Sasha." He says.

"Are you going to kill me or eat me now." I ask trembling.

"I wouldn't do that to you. We kill trespassers to prevent our secret getting out. However I took you. You were away from lycan territory. See where you were is too close to towns. Being close to humans means higher risk of getting discovered." He says.

"Why did you kidnap me?" I ask turning to look him in the eyes.


Happy New Year's eve.

Kidnapped By My Alpha MateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin