Chapter 42

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I open my eyes to see a dreary dark cell made of stone with torch lights providing light and I try go forward but I can't move, my wrists and ankles are bound to a wall by metal cuffs with silver coating them.

My head hurts like anything just like my wrists and ankles burn worse than anything I have ever felt in my life as I struggle.

The last thing I can remember is the wedding and then the rogue attack. I must have been kidnapped, this is definitely not fun when all I want is to go to my beautiful wife who is probably wondering where I am or panicking.

I hope she is safe. I really really hope she is safe.

"Hello Dylan, so nice to see you awake," a voice says.

"Daren," I growl out angrily.

"Yep. I have been waiting to have you here to torture. It's a shame all my attempts to get your pretty little mate failed as well," he says.

"Don't you dare touch Sasha!" I growl pulling at the chains ignoring the sizzling of my skin and the burning agony and pain the silver inflicts on me.

"Why would I listen to you? I even have a pretty little bird cage ready for her to be locked up in," he says.

"I won't allow you to!"

"I'd love to see you try stop me besides she'll be more than willing to when she sees the surprise I have in store for her. Right Alexander?" Daren says.

"Absolutely Alpha," a boy of about twenty or twenty one says walking into the cell.

"If you're her boyfriend I'd like you to know that we just got married and are already happily mated," I tell him.

"I'm not her boyfriend but trust me when I say she will do anything for me the moment she sees me. She'd choose me over you any day, and I mean it, as long as she can see me I'm sure she would happily sit like a pretty little bird in a cage," Alexander says and I am confused.

Who would she love more than her mate but have no romantic relationship with.

He looks like her but-

"Her brother is supposed to be dead!"

"I know I am. I got quite injured in that crash and little Sasha almost died being a human. Alpha Daren found me and took me into his pack and when I healed I became the pack's Beta, I see you've heard about me. That means she probably feels guilty, the crash came about because of an argument about her boyfriend, a boyfriend who was cruel and abusive and not only that but he was manipulative and lazy. She would do anything for me. She would likely get on her knees and surrender on a battlefield if she saw me alive and well," he says.

"Sasha loves you but you left her. You left her to be abused and hated. She loves and loved you just like she loves her abusive parents! They blame her for your death which never happened. She blames herself and allowed them to beat her for years and you didn't go back! You could have stopped that!" I shout at the moronic brother.

"But I was so busy besides they wouldn't have stopped. They have always hated her. You haven't even stopped to notice that I'm a werewolf and she's not. She was born human and was considered a disgrace but they couldn't disown her, no wolf can bear to disown their pup so we left this pack to move into a human town," he says.

"They couldn't bear to disown her so they beat her! She would have been better in an orphanage and Sasha is the furthest thing from a disgrace! She is a strong and smart girl who deserved to have been loved by her own parents. Your family is seriously messed up and you did not bother to do anything about it!" I shout at him, my chains beginning to pull from the wall as a result of my blind rage.

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