Chapter 35

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I sniff the air as I reach the area where I was told that her scent was found to be the strongest.

I follow the scent and I suddenly feel a strange feeling in me and my wolf suddenly begins clawing at me to get Sasha and mate her and I realise her heat must have come, which is why none of the males in my pack have gone to get her. They know I'd kill them for mating with her.

I follow my mate's scent which suddenly becomes stronger and I reach an old house which looks as if it is falling apart terribly.

I can hear pained screams from the house, screams which break my heart as I immediately recognize the screams as Sasha's, meaning she's in pain. I feel a strong sense of desire coming over me, a desire to tend to my beloved and soothe her pain as a mate should.

In seconds the wall in front of me is unrecognizable with the front door in pieces that no one could put back together.

I sniff the air to get the direction of her scent and I smell it beneath me and being an irrational male desperate to tend to his female I begin pounding into the floor breaking through the ground with my fists which are soon covered in bruises and some blood and a hole forms from my relentless punches and I end up immediately engaging in a battle with a male omce I've fallen down with the rubble from the floor.

I punch the male violently in my human form and he shifts into a gray wolf with his putrid rogue scent becoming even stronger.

I grab his hind legs and slam him into the wall and he shifts back growling.

"Violet change of plans... kill the Luna," he grunts.

I notice there is a girl with a knife above my Sasha's chest, she holds her down firmly while Sasha screams, thrashing around in pain, most likely oblivious to the fatal threat that is not her second wave of heat.

I pounce on the girl not liking her hands on my Sasha, she might not be a male but she still touched her and with obvious bad intentions.

I squeeze her throat making her pass out from lack of air and I rush to my Sasha.

Her thrashing suddenly stops and she seems to have started weakening and I rip apart her ropes which restrain her and I lean in and begin to kiss her mark, softly and tenderly and I hear a whimper escape my queen's lips.

"Mine," I murmur possessively as I slowly claim her neck, her body becoming more responsive with each tender kiss I place on her mark.

"D-Dylan," she whispers, her voice rather weak and soft yet at the same time like that of an angel, my angel.

I smile at the girl and place a soft kiss on her soft pink lips, looking into her bright yet pained and tearfilled beautiful eyes.

Her body trembles from the pain of her heat and I slowly lean in and whisper in her ear, "It's all going to be okay now love."



I am aware this chapter, like quite a few of my other chapters, is rather short, one day, if I edit it, it might be quite a bit longer.

Well I doubt I ever thought this book would get all the way to a 20th chapter but here we are at chapter 35.

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