Chapter 18

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The sun shines into the room through the drapes as I awake.

I stretch in the bed as I sit up, still waking up.

I see the imprint of another body in the bed and remember the werewolf that was sleeping in the bed with me, reminding me that I was kidnapped. I sigh silently as I get out the bed and I make my way to the cupboard and open it to see half the cupboard filled with clothes for me.

"I'm sorry that there isn't many clothes for you right now in there. Our stay in this room is just temporary. I accidentally broke the wall of our bedroom so it is being fixed and also renovated. I thought it would be the perfect time to make some improvements to make it perfect for you my mate," Dylan says from behind me, his hands snaking around my waist and his head resting in the crook of my neck.

I can't push him away. It's like last night when I couldn't leave his hold the second time and I wanted to comfort him.

Something is going wrong in my head.

He is breaking my walls. They are there for a reason. They aren't supposed to be broken. They are there to protect me.

He turns me around and looks deeply into my eyes and places his lips on mine.

I accidentally slip backwards and fall into the cupboard before he can catch me.

He extends his hand to me, a worried look in his eyes.

I hold my hand back and glare at him. The romance between us severed, just in time for me to begin to mending one of my fallen walls.

I get up, grab a dress and undergarments and walk into the bathroom and lock the door.

I change into the blue and white dress after a quick shower and I brush my hair and plait it back and I walk out the bathroom to see him sitting on the bed, his eyes lighting up as I enter the room.

"I should have known it would be a bad choice to wear this dress," I sigh unhappy with the way his eyes lighted up. I begin walking back to the cupboard and I take a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

I turn around to see Dylan locking the bathroom door from the outside and walking past me and putting the key on the top shelf of the cupboard, which I can't reach.

"Give me the key. I want to change," I demand.

"I love that dress on you. You'll stay in it or you'll get dressed in front of me. I have no problem with either of them," he says and I clench my fists angrily.

"You jerk!" I scream at him and he looks down sadly like a puppy just getting reprimanded.

"Sasha I didn't mean it that way. I'm just saying you look beautiful," he says.

"That's how you justify it. I don't see it that way."

"Sasha I'm not used to being loving okay. I'm trying to but-"

"I don't want your love! I just want to go back to my normal life. I don't even have proof that you are werewolf and even if you are this whole mate thing could just be a scam, a trick to make me feel some sort of connection to you. One that doesn't and never will exist!" I shout at him releasing my pent up anger.

"My feelings for you are not some joke Sasha! You are my mate!" He shouts in reply, growling.

"I thought we were making progress, obviously not. If you just stop being so stubborn you might be able to feel what I feel. You however refuse to acknowledge me as your mate. I suggest you stop fighting me and give us a try. If you won't I don't want to hurt you and punish you but I will. I will put that tracking serum in you. So either you behave or I need to make you behave," he says.

I step back trembling.

"So do you want the tracking serum?" He asks.


"Well then will you cooperate?"

I hesitantly reply, "Y-yes."

"Good," he says.

"It doesn't mean I am yours. It just means I don't want to have something put in me so you can track my every move. That serum is like a microchip that you use to track a missing pet and I won't have you treating me like some sort of pet," I say crossing my arms.

"You're not a pet. You're my mate," he says.

"I'd like to know the difference because the way I see it there is little difference. You bring me back every time I leave like a lost pet, you try to track me and tons of other things," I say.

"Anyone would search for their mate if they ran away," he says.

I don't respond and walk towards the window and lean forward, resting my arms on the window sill and staring out at the forest which separates me from human society.

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