Chapter 12

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I paddle around the lake where her scent last was and I swim back under in wolf form, considering my instincts were so desperate for her that my wolf took over and I can't find her anywhere and I am panicking, I mean my mate has literally just vanished.

My eyes fall on a cave and I swim inside and I surface and I am delighted when I smell her stale scent, not that I like that it is stale but at least I have some sort of a lead in the meantime. I follow the path of her scent until I see her blood andI can tell it is hers by scent, it isn't much blood but she was here and injured and that is not good.

I howl loudly so my warriors know where to find me and I continue running after her trail, finding it leading into the neutral lands also known as rouge lands since the rouges needed to be somewhere.

I follow her scent deep into the unclaimed territory, desperate to find and be with my little mate who is probably so scared right now.



"I don't want to be bait for that jerk now let me go!" I scream struggling in the ropes that bind me to the chair.

"Somebody shut her up already," one of them groans.

"She screams in our ears when we try and this is why I don't see why we need increased hearing."

I smirk and scream louder.

"Be quiet girl!" The man shouts at me covering my mouth and I bite his hand, incredibly hard and like a dog he seethes in pain after a while of me hanging on his hand with my teeth and trying to snap his bones with my limited strength however it appears I did well as he rips his hand away and there is blood on his hand.

"You're like a rabid dog," he hisses at me.

"I'm not a dog. I'm a girl who really doesn't want to be here. Until you understand that I guess we won't see eye to eye on that then," I say.

"How does your mate put up with you? Doubt he'll get his heir quickly well would have anyway considering he won't survive the trap we have set in place. You know what an Alpha's biggest weakness is, their mate. They'll do anything to protect their mate, some give up their lives to protect their other half."

"He did nothing but keep me locked up," I say.

"You don't think it was to protect you from wolves like us. Wolves who wouldn't think twice about crushing your heart or any bone or organ in your body. In fact why don't we give your mate something to look forward to when he sees you, think of it as a makeover, human girls well girls in general like makeovers right?" He says with a smirk.

"I don't," I say, honestly considering I have never been someone who indulges in beauty products although having some lipstick or eyeshadow every now and then is still nice.

"That's a shame, because I'm going to enjoy giving you one that your mate is just going to love," he says and I feel myself trembling in fear. I think anyone in my position can take an accurate guess that the make over is not going to be a fun one and there will not be any make up involved in the process.

His nails turn to claws and scrape at me and I scream out in pain as wounds are made that have deep crimson red seeping from them, the liquid making me feel slightly queasy, not that I have time to focus on that as his claws marr my body and inflict absolute agony on me.

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