Chapter 48

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Hello guys, this might be a bit annoying for Edwella fans, but please do read until the end. It's worth it, I promise!!

Don't read the comments before you finish reading ;) well unless you want spoilers that is. 

Chapter 48- Ella's POV

"I can't believe you convinced me to come here with you," I mumbled as I walked through the door leading to the small cottage. I put my bag on the stone cold floor and pushed the door closed, then made my way to the unattractive mustard sofa that was in the middle of the room. 

John smiled at me. "I didn't convince you, you needed to get away," he said, and I nodded slowly before sitting down. I had had a rough day, and ended up calling him to take him up on the offer of spending the weekend with him and distract myself from the thoughts that were consuming me. 

It was the same day, Thursday, a few hours after I had a fight with Edward and he broke up with me. I had gotten the bus home and found that there was nobody there. Malcolm was at university and mum was at work. Desperate to avoid answering questions for the reasons behind my tear stained face, I tried thinking about what I could do to stay away from Edward. And the solution was to skip school and stay away from home.

The cottage did not belong to John, but I found out that he rented it out for the whole year so that whenever he needed some time alone, he could just go there without anyone interrupting. I did not understand his ideology since he lived on his own, but I didn't ask about it. I didn't ask what John would be doing for school the next day either since it would be Friday. The cottage was only an hour away from college, and two hours away from my house. 

"Do you want anything?" John asked after a long moment of silence. I shook my head. I was still so consumed in thoughts. 

"No thanks. Could you... maybe call Edward to inform him where I'm at?" I asked him. Not that Edward would care, but at least I would have done my part. He wasn't going to be happy when he found out I was with John. 

"Why don't you?" John asked me. I shook my head for the second time. John nodded, understanding, and stood up. He walked to what I presumed was the kitchen, leaving me on my own. 

I stood up as well and started taking a good look at the room. There was a wall unit, on which was a television and English literature books, the sofa I had been sitting on, and a couple of chairs at the side of the small room. The walls were decorated by picture frames and paintings, giving all of it a more homey feel. I regarded each of the photos and then continued looking around. The floor was made of wooden boards which were polished. The living room, although seemingly bare, was well kept. On the right was the door leading to the kitchen, and next to it were the stairs. On the left, then, was a bathroom, and a door which was closed. I made my way towards it and turned the knob. It didn't move. It must be locked, then, I mused.

I made my way back to the sofa, thinking how good of John it was to offer me to stay with him for the weekend. Then I wondered what his intentions were. Did he care about me or was he still trying to get me to like him? Suddenly I didn't really care. He was being nice and that was all I needed.

I sat down, debating whether to call Edward myself instead of letting John do it. I made my mind up right at that moment, and dialed his number on my phone, pressing the green button. The phone rang for three times before he picked up.

"Hello," he said in a gruff voice. I flinched. 

"Hey, it's me," I replied in a low voice. 

"I know, I haven't deleted your number yet," he answered. I sighed. He continued. "But I will soon. Now what do you want?"

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