Chapter 22

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Chapter 22- Ella's POV

Apparently Nathan does not stay angry for long with people - or with me, that is, since I now knew that he liked me. As soon as I got to my locker on Monday morning, he came by my side and mumbled a hello before he started rummaging through his locker. He asked me how my weekend was, and I smiled, remembering.

"It was fine," I replied, not giving him any details. I knew that I had to be careful from now on. The primary reason why Nathan had wanted me with Edward was so he could get him fired, and I wouldn't bear that.

"Cool," Nathan answered, shifting his gaze over to me. I looked away uncomfortably.

The weekend he had asked about had been just about the best one in my life. After Edward had asked me to be his girlfriend, we had just hung out, talking and getting to know each other better. Later on, he had brought over some sheets of paper and we sketched each other. It must sound boring, I know, but it was just perfect. I saw him again on Sunday at his place once again. He'd invited me for dinner there on Friday.

"Can I ask you something Ella?" Nathan's voice distracted me thoughts. I looked up at him. He had now closed the locker and was leaning against it, looking at me. I too closed my locker and nodded at him, wondering what he wanted.

"Do you really like him?" he asked. I flinched and did not answer. He hadn't specified but I knew that he was referring to Edward. I tried not to let my thoughts show on my face so I did my best to look surprised at what he was saying.

"Who?" I asked.

Nathan rolled his eyes. "Like it isn't obvious whom I'm talking about. Edward, you idiot."

Nice, I play dumb and get called an idiot. This is one if the reasons why I dislike so many people.

"Edward? Do you mean Mr James?" I asked, pretending to look confused.

"Whatever. He's Edward to me. He asked me to call him that a long time ago." Nathan shrugged, making me feel more curious about what happened between the two of them.

"Anyway, you know what I mean. Do you like him? Because if you do, then why were you with Mr-". He stopped in mid-sentence, looking behind me. "Ah shit they're here. Why do they always have to interrupt and ruin everything?"

I turned around to see what he was looking about, and my heart skipped a beat right there. Edward was walking towards our way with John, and was holding a couple of folders in his hand. I had forgotten how good looking he was.

Edward, not John.

He caught my eye and smiled that dazzling smile that just makes you go weak in the knees. And then I remembered that he's my boyfriend, and how lucky I am for that. Even though I knew he'd had a rough past... I still felt incredibly lucky and happy.

They stopped next to us. John nodded at me but didn't say anything, and Edward flashed a smile at Nathan, who in turn glared at him. Edward was standing next to me, and I felt him subtly grab my hand and squeeze it affectionately while trying to make himself busy by not looking at me but at Nathan. With my heart beating six times faster than it's supposed to, I glanced up at John, whom I saw that had noticed the small exchange between Edward and I, and was now looking at our hands, which were still holding each other, partially hidden behind Edward's figure. John met my eye and I looked away, feeling a familiar heat making its way to my face. It had felt awkward ever since that time when I was with him.

And damn, I'm standing among the three guys who like me, with Nathan being the one who had taken the photos. It's all so weird, although I'm not sure about whether John likes me or not. He never really made it clear to me.

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