Chapter 34

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Chapter 34- Ella's POV

Days passed, and weeks eventually rolled by. Christmas passed by in a blur, and somehow, for once, my mum wasn't working that day. I spent it with her and with my brother.

I wasn't on bad terms with Malcolm, to be honest, even though I had found out he was taking drugs. But he had realised I was being a bit miffed with him and he had asked me, time and time again, if something was up, and mentioning Edward occasionally. I guess he thought I was angry at him for what happened with him, or that we were seeing each other again. Well, we weren't.

Edward had been the most amazing person ever after I had found out about Malcolm. He was so supportive and held me while I cried and tried to figure out what I was going to do. And in the end, I didn't make up my mind on what to do. I just did nothing.

I blamed Edward, at first. Heck, for me he was to blame because he had kept the truth from me. I had accused him of holding it against me so that he would use it when he needed. And then I realised that he wasn't to blame, I just wanted to point my finger at someone. Edward had only known for a couple of days, why should he tell me immediately? We weren't even talking.

Edward and I weren't together now, if that's what you're thinking. We were on very good terms and he helped me a lot, but that was all, unfortunately. It was what he wanted. He didn't want to risk everything again. Not when someone was still threatening him. And we still hadn't found out who it was. Nathan never talked about it again.

Nathan had abandoned me as well. He had started seeing Jessica Driscoll now, my friend from Physics, whom I used to spend so much time with before I started going out with Edward. They met while clubbing and had happily been together for more than a month, living in their own paradise and unconsciously leaving me on my own.

So in a way, I had no one to hang out and somehow ended up spending my time with Edward, still. This is what I was going to do today, in fact. It was a Friday and I had a free lesson right after break. I was going to go to Edward's classroom during breaktime to work further on portraiture, and then I had planned to ask him if I could stay until the last lesson, which would then be with him. It was usually fine with him, as long as I didn't intrude into his lessons. Obviously, I never did.

When I got to the art room, the door was ajar, but I could hear voices inside. I strained to listen.

"You don't understand," I heard Edward say.

"What's there to understand?" the other voice said. "I know, Edward."

John. That voice belonged to John. I haven't spoken to him in ages.

He continued speaking. "You have been ignoring me ever since that day! Almost two months!" He was right, it was the end of January now. "And it's not fair that you spend all your time with Ella but then you refuse to even talk to me!"

Great, now he's putting me into this.

"I am talking to you right now, aren't I. And of course I'll talk to Ella, she didn't do anything. You did."

My heart fluttered at the thought of Edward sticking up for me.

"I said I'm sorry! I am, okay? Just, please, stop acting like you don't even know me!" John sounded frustrated now.  "It's not fair on me."

"Fine! I'll stop acting like I don't know you. I'll talk to you and treat you the way I used to before I found out, if that's what you want. But don't you dare forget what you did." Edward's voice was vicious now, and I didn't blame him. I was actually surprised how quickly he gave in. But maybe it was just because he wanted John to shut up.

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