Chapter 8

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Hi guys, this is Part 8, I hope you enjoy it. Here you're going to find out a few things about Nathan as well :) 

On the side there's a photo of Chuck Hittinger, whom I've chosen as Nathan :)

Chapter 8- Ella’s POV

A couple of weeks passed and I settled down nicely at school. I became friends with a Scottish girl called Jessica, who had transferred to our country because of her studies. I spent every moment I could with her, and I was glad that I had met her. We were in the same class for Physics, and always had a laugh together. I also have to admit that lately, I had been on speaking terms with Nathan once again. I wasn’t close with him, but it was nice to have someone whom you know during Art lessons.

Yep, because I had totally avoided speaking to Mr James after he had told me that he only wanted to see me during the lesson. I was so angry at him. It wasn’t really his fault since, you know, teachers and students usually see each other only during lessons, and that’s what he implied that he wanted. But at the same time, it was different, because he had been the one to tell me to spend THREE extra lessons with him, two of which weren’t actually lessons, since we had been on our own without any other students around. And he had been the one to start conversations with me and act like he’d known me since like forever or something. Oh, and he’d offered to drive me home, and had almost kissed me. Typical teacher behaviour? I don’t think so.

Whatever. I knew he had felt something, I don’t know, a kind of attraction to me, but maybe he’s gone off it now and returned to his Beth. The sad thing is, I really like him, and I hate myself for that.

Now, we were during an art lesson on Friday, the last lesson of the week, which unfortunately for me, was with Mr James. He had teamed us up in groups of two, which he had decided on. He, of course, didn’t put me with Nathan, but put me with a girl called Clarissa. Our job for today was to draw quick sketches of each other, and then he was supposed to come around and check on our work.

When he came over to Clarissa and I, he started checking on her work before mine, but of course to do that, he had to look at me, since it was I that she had been sketching. Our eyes locked before he looked down at the sketch, biting his lip. He started fixing some of Clarissa’s work, while I looked away. I saw Nathan looking at me, and he raised an eyebrow at Mr James, and then winked at me. I grinned and looked back at Mr James, who was staring at me intently, noticing the communication between Nathan and I.

“Ella, please look forward and pay attention, I’m trying to work here,” he said, glaring at me. I rolled my eyes at him, and he continued. “And stop being rude.”

“You treat us like frickin’ seven year olds,” I muttered.

Mr James handed the sketchbook back to Clarissa and moved over to me. “I heard that,” he said. He took a seat on the stool next to me and took my sketchbook, brushing my hand with his. I felt my skin tingle by the contact, and he seemed to have felt something too, because he stopped to look at me. I broke eye contact after a couple of seconds, looking down and taking in the intoxicating smell of cologne he had. He added a few lines on my sketch, and handed me my book back.

“You draw really well,” he said, smiling at me.

“Really?” I asked, raising my hopes up. He was smiling at me, which was great, right? I mean, I had practically ignored him these last two weeks.

“Yes. Hey, if you want to give me any extra work, I’ll happily correct it, and you know I’m always here to help.” He looked into my eyes. I nodded.

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