Chapter 30

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Chapter 30- Edward's POV

I waited for only a short while before Nathan spoke again. He was so impatient and so eager to know. He was also angry, too. I couldn't really blame the guy. I had just lied to him once again. Nathan hated liars.

"You said you're not in a relationship with her." He raised an eyebrow. "Liar."

I shook my head. "You don't understand. I'm not," I defended myself. I lowered my voice so that the other students wouldn't hear. I wished that Nathan and I weren't discussing this issue here, in a classroom. I inhaled.

"Then what's this?" Nathan asked, raising the photo once again.

I rolled my eyes, and said in a whisper, "It was just one kiss, okay? Nothing happened."

"Like I believe you. I know when you're lying."

This was a rich statement, coming from a person who actually believed me the first time I said that Ella and I were never together.

"Besides, these messages say everything," Nathan continued. I sighed and shook my head, getting up from my seat.

"Let's talk outside," I stated, eyeing my students, who looked surprised at the amount of action that was occurring in the classroom today. First Ella, and now... this. I walked out and closed the door. Nathan followed me, and took a seat on the stairs, just as John had done a few minutes before. With Ella. I remained standing up. There was no way that I was going to sit with him.

"You know you're such a hypocrite," Nathan said. He looked at the photo in disgust, and then at me, with the same expression. "How can you? First, my mum, twelve years older, and now Ella, ten year younger? What the hell man?"

I ran a hand through my hair. "You don't understand, Nate, I-"

He interrupted me. "Oh please do explain then."

I looked directly at him. "Nothing happened."

 "So what? I'm not asking what happened- just... what the hell? A student? Really? I can't believe this," Nathan shook his head, glaring at me, and still gripping the photo tightly.

I shrugged. "You don't have to. I don't see what the fuss is, really. It was just one kiss, and we both agreed that it was a mistake. It never happened again." I couldn't even believe myself when I said this. I was really turning into a first class liar. But there was nothing else I could do, really. I couldn't admit to Nathan that Ella and I had been together..

Nathan laughed, his voice dripped in sarcasm. "A mistake. Yeah, right. Just admit it, won't you. You think that I didn't notice that Ella disappeared for the whole afternoon on her birthday on Saturday?" he said, referring to the live in. "And you weren't around either, cause I looked around for you. Aside from the fact that I've seen the way you two look at each other- the secret smile and all. So if you think I'm stupid, you'd better rethink it."

I sighed, realising that Nathan had kept his eyes scanned for Ella and I. The photo was probably the only proof he needed to confront me. I looked down at him, trying to show that I did not care and that I wasn't fearing him. "So what, then?" I asked.


I took a deep breath. "What do you plan on doing now that you know?"

"What, about you and Ella?" Nathan looked confused.


He looked up hurriedly. "So you admit it."

I didn't answer right away. After a few seconds, I murmured, "Yeah."

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