♟ Chapter 5 ♟

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B e l l a  ♣  A l b y

A stinging feeling on my cheek woke me up from my sleep. My hand slowly reached to touch my cheek. Before I could, my hand was harshly being pressed against a soft material which I assumed was my pillow. When I fully opened my eyes I was met with a pair of grey eyes. I saw that it was none other than my stepmother.

"Darling, you have school to attend today. Get ready, so that I could drop you and my son to school. Your dad has gone to work. Don't anger me and get out of the bed, you bitch!" I nodded my head.

"Hurry up, I'll give you fifteen minutes to get ready." With that, she got out of the room. I stood up from my sitting position and made my way to the bathroom.

I saw that all my things were set up and unpacked properly, who might have done this? Lewis?

I ignored the question that formed in my mind and finished my daily morning duties. I saw that new clothes were kept for me to wear as I came out of the bathroom. The bathroom has been recently made. I knew that this was a storage room by its size. Even the closet has also been created recently. It smelled new.

I wore a long-sleeved red t-shirt that covered up all my bruises and black jeggings. I didn't put makeup on my face as I didn't have anything and didn't like wearing it. I had seen Angelo wearing it whenever she got invited to parties.

A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. "It's fucking getting late come fast before my mom would get angry." I heard Lewis whisper yelling to me.

I looked at the glass window to glance at my reflection. I covered pretty much all the bruises.

I opened the door to see Lewis leaning against the wall opposite my room door. When he saw me, he straightened himself up.

I put my one hand on the other but then cried out in pain as I felt one of my hand pain. I glanced down at my left hand and saw there was no bruise being formed. Then why was it hurting?

"It's because my mom used all of her powers to kill you. Well, She more like tried to kill you. So when her eleme- uhh her occult energy entered in your body, it would have had entered from the tip of your ring finger because of which your skin in that part is sensitive," Lewis explained with a glare.

"Why did you explain--"

"Stop asking me questions. You're wasting my time."

Hmm, I was just wanting to ask if you're going to continue being nice to me or not but I got the answer I guess. 

So instead of asking any further questions, I nodded my head. Now that I've learned that they weren't humans, I should be more careful. Who knows they may use their 'occult' energy on me.

As we made our way to the living room, I saw Angelo coating her nails with pink coloured polish.

"Mom, we're ready."

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