graduation | 14

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the grad party was in Iris's apartment,
all their parents had flew in or driven up for graduation and were around talking about what proud parents talked about at these sort of things.

Arjun believe it or not was getting married,
his parents had chosen a beautiful Indian girl for him and he was already madly In love with her, if his almost permanently red cheeks and googly eyes were anything to go by.

Wen was being crowded by his enthusiastic parents.
as second generation asian they were under pressure to achieve and create a legacy,
Iris could see that making his parents proud was something he was happy to accomplish.
that and the fact that college was over and he had a degree and had landed an internship at Google proved he was on the right track.

Dylan figured out at some point or the other in first year that he liked helping people and was now a certified pediatric nurse.
he had begun volunteering at the local children's hospital after a fundraising which the lacrosse team had participated in.
no one pegged him as the type to love kids, but Iris always knew he was a big softie.
his parents were proud of him and had been 100% behind his decision.

Mathis had his law degree and an internship at a prestigious law firm, she still believed he'd make a great politician some day.
his parents and younger sister had all flew in from France and he was ecstatic.
He had been slipping in and out of french and english for the whole day,
which proved how excited he was.

Julian's parents couldn't stop congratulating him, his mom kept fixing his collar and pinching his cheeks and his dad had given a huge clap on his back and a hug earlier that had made him blush.
As she caught his eyes among the crowd, she winked at him.
And he flashed her his cheesy grin.

Her foster parents weren't to be outdone, her mom has been discreetly wiping tears ever since the ceremony and her dad had fought back some of his own.
She could tell she had made them proud, and that made her proud in turn.
When she was adopted,
she had struggled a lot with the things that had happened to her in her past.
and they had immediately got her therapy and all the help she needed which to this day she was grateful for.

these people and the things that had happened in her past had prompted her to become a social worker,
and she had no regrets.
she had a program that she had got accepted into.
she'll be traveling to Columbia to volunteer at the orphanage there.

as she observed the people who had quickly become her extended family, she was overcome with the vivid feeling of being at home.

after the parents had left and Dylan finally pulled out the good wine, they had toasted to each other and to success.
they had each shared their most memorable moments together.
Arjun even shed a tear, and as they all bundled together in a group hug,

she said,
'I'm going to miss you guys so much.'
and she had meant it.


Guyssss the book has ended, its been such an amazing journey,
Honestly this was my first book trying this writing aesthetic and I love how it turned out.
Thanks to you all so much for the support,
I also made a cast list of y'all are interested in that.

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