gift | 8

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'okay, okay guys i want to say something'
Dylan stood up from the couch where most of them were spread out over Iris's apartment.

'I know that ju said we weren't supposed to be all mushy and shit..' he paused to throw Arjun a quick apology for cursing,
before turning back to Julian who had started groaning,

'and I know he said no gifts, which is great cause I didn't buy him any'
at that they all chuckled...
'but ever since Julian had become my roommate in August we've been good friends and along with you other losers you've made my college experience worthwhile.'

'shut up Dylan before we start crying' Wen joked and fake sniffled causing everyone to guffaw.

'on behalf of all of us, juju...happy birthday.'
Dylan finished with a cheesy grin, which turned into a look of surprise when Julian launched himself at him.

'I told you not to call me that!'
Julian yelled while tackling Dylan to the ground.
Iris giggled at the sight,
before she knew it all of guys were on her living room carpet in a doggy pile.

'cake time'
she announced as she opened the cover from the store bought double mocha chocolate cake she and Dylan had picked up earlier.

at that the ball quickly unraveled and each boy eager to collect their slice of cake,
Julian was forced to blow out a candle after enduring a horrible rendition of the happy birthday song.
he had cut the cake, which Iris ended up sharing.

later on in the night after each boy left and it trickled down to just Dylan, Julian and herself.
and they were about to leave,
she pulled out a medium sized black note book from the place she had hid it.

'I know you said no gifts, but technically it's not a gift. it isn't even wrapped.'
she quickly said when he had opened his mouth to protest.

'i noticed your other one was finished'

he knew what she was talking about, the other book which he usually scribbled down poetry and art pieces in had finished earlier in the week and he hadn't got around to replacing it yet.

'heeeey, how comes she gets to give you a gift'
Dylan said as he shrugged on his jacket, he opened the door before turning back to throw the two a look.
smirk playing on his lips, he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively,

before he could finish his sentence Julian was already chasing him down the hall to the elevator, black book clutched tightly in his hand.

'I swear to God when I catch you!' Julian yelled, the rest of his words drowned out by Dylan's obnoxious laughter.

when they finally got to the elevator, Iris watched from the doorway as Julian pulled Dylan into a headlock.

just before the elevator doors closed, Julian looked up, a cheesy smile on his face as he mouthed a

'thank you'

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